Based on this thread, apparently they can lol.
This is… INSANELY impressive. Really digging what I’m seeing. So glad you guys included the overhead floorplan image; that looks like a really robust space to decorate.
Okay, great…have you looked at the article and watched the videos, or are you just being a doomer for the sake of contrarianism? Everything that we’re talking about has already been shown, and even if it launches completely unchanged it looks like you can make a LOT with a little creativity.
Too late, I’m successfully distracted
Cool. We needed some good this news like this after the nerfing of Tank Brann.
what if I told you that the game needs things other than yet. another. stupid. raid…? they’ve just catered to sweaty nerds too long and they’re finally getting around to serving the rest of their playerbase instead of running them off.
A doomer? For asking the rightful questions? You’re pretty silly.
I’m not really sure why you’re getting combative? I never argued against housing and I think it’s a great addition. I was literally just asking for a source that the fated season is going away.
I think you’re misunderstanding my posts.
I think it was mentioned in a past article that they were shared across your warband but don’t quote me on that
A doomer for saying “It’s Blizzard it will be terrible”.
Also for calling it “useless” if it doesn’t launch with robust prebuilt options themed to other races from the jump when it appears that the function where you can shrink, rotate, lift, dye and clip objects together can enable you to build themes of your choosing to an extent.
I said they have a bad record on their track and that’s factually true. How can you even argue that?
Well yeah, look what happened with Garrison promise. Yet it remained only Orcish or Human. Stop licking the boots.
BLIZZ IS DOING IT! They are doing it! Holy crap Blizz is really doing it!
Full 360 rotation, XYZ axis placement, shrink/grow, and dying!
I am seriously freaking out right now!
Those interiors are larger than i expected, I’m impressed. It’s no wildstar housing, but it looks to be a great start
Conspiracy me says this is an attempt of dangling member-berries to distract everyone from yesterdays’ brann pr fiasco.
Okay, then don’t participate. Simple.
They want back their profit for those who still try to RNG their FOMO house on FF14 as well.
Tbf they are already showing off way more than they did with garrisons. It already has way more customizations. With Garrisons they promised a lot but by the time they showed it off, it was a shell of what they promised.
I personally hope that you can have a choice between housing for individual characters or sharing the same house across your warband. I want a nautical theme to the house for this character, but another character might have an Engineering-ish theme, and another one might have a small rustic space while another is in an arcane tower.
They knew that giving us Wildstar housing would be too much power kek
I can see a lot of creative potential in players using the Advanced system, making things like a mage-themed room with objects floating in the air. This looks really nice, Blizz. I like it!
RP and ect. This what the fans wanted and I am ok with it.