Go inside your Azeroth Home to learn about the tools you’ll have at hand to decorate with. Whether you’re looking to make the cover of the Gadgetzan Times, or you are designing to strike fear into the hearts of your visitors, you can make it your own.
You guys have been cooking, it seems. Looking forward to hearing more.
Omg I’m so hopeful. I loved housing in EQ2 and all the sub customization. I was so scared this would all be presets and another garrison situation, but y’all are getting me hyped.
Nice, seems like we’ll have a lot of freedom on how and where to place stuff.
I deeply hope you will give us race themed items.
This is pretty awesome. I wonder how many tier it cost us?
You mean it’s not just Garrisons 2.0? Big W Blizz.
its already cost us the fated patch with all 3 raids that would happen at the end of the xpac they have already stated as much.
Makes grabby hands
I genuinely hope that besides being a way to display and reminisce in your collection, housing will NOT grant any substantial gameplay benefits. I’m not sure WoW can survive another Garrison like feature - an Anti-MMO shift that dis-incentivizes players from engaging with the open world and networking with other players. One such feature is one too many.
It should be purely cosmetic, yeah. Adding gameplay bonuses and functions would really sour the experience, in my opinion.
shouldnt it be beautiful azeroth?
This looks a lot more customisable than I was expecting, and I was already apparently expecting more than most cynical players. Looking forward to it
Very impressive.
Besides the collector’s appeal, it could be social, like how FFXIV incentivizes guild gatherings in housing. It even has a whole economic sphere around it… which I think WoW would do best to avoid (where you can lose your house, etc. Thankfully, it looks like that won’t be the case here?)
I was very doubtful Blizz would have what it takes to pull this off, but this is looking amazing. The fact we can move stuff around is more than I expected. Being able to customise it as much as we can is mindblowing.
I really just hope that the decorations aren’t restricted to modern doodads. If I want my house to look straight out of Warcraft 3/Classic, I should be able to.
My biggest concern is that this is going to be overly Elf/Human themed, and if you want anything like Tauren or Troll, you’re going to be out of luck.
They already confirmed housing won’t work at all how it works in FF14 - if you want a house you’ll have a house.
Even if you unsub you keep the home.
They made a point of mentioning that everyone gets a house and that players wouldn’t lose them like FF XIV players can. It was some of the harshest shade I’ve seen WoW throw at FF XIV in a long time.
I’mma make a three way hybrid of Karazhan, Den of Mortal Delights, and the Cathedral in Icecrown.
Looks like an updated Sims tool.
I’m thrilled for this change. Maybe now this community can begin the healing process as the RP community makes its great return.