Azeroth Beautiful: A Look at Housing Interior Design

Initially, yes.

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your right they are actually going to be worse.

I am little shocked at how much I like this feature so far. Looks like a bit of fun. If they manage to bring out everything they have shown and talked about so far - I may spend a lot of time decorating (and crafting if that is a thing). But - This is Bliz - so who knows what we will REALLY get.
So - I am cautiously optimistic.

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Thanks for the update! Looks promising


Holy crap I thought was excited before… I can’t freaking wait!


I think for now they are focusing on just human/orc.
I believe they said somthing in the previous article and considering the new shattrath, going back to quel’ thalas, reclaiming gilneaus, etc I’m going to bet we will get them at some point

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Looks really nice. I like how easy it is to move things around. And I saw you mention Belf decor.



This definitely seems like the biggest hurdle at the moment.

The fact of the matter is, as sad as it is, a lot of Horde players - specifically the type of Horde players who care about housing - aren’t even Horde players, they’re Elf players.

While I personally adore the Human/Orc split, I don’t think it has the same mass appeal as if they had gone with Human / Blood Elf.


Well that’s pointless then.

Then don’t engage with it?

I’m not sure what it is exactly about customizable interior decor that makes it a “kids Barbie game”, but I guess there’s a significant game population that sleeps on a bare mattress in an otherwise empty room and has their computer propped up on old beer crates that won’t get any value out of it.

That’s fine! We’ll do this, and you can do your thing instead.

It did mention “Blood Elf wallpaper” so it sounds like there will be some variety in the basic styles. Other more themed furniture and such will likely come over time, since this is intended to be an evergreen thing.


Please please please! Improve in-game voice chat so that these can have proximity chat inside of our homes!

Don’t get it twisted. I like my Zug Zug as much as I like my ba’la dash malanore.


This is absolutely incredible!! I was so hopeful that blizzard would take notes from Wildstar’s LEGENDARY housing system and you clearly did, thank you!! The dye function is phenomenal, the 3D reticules for shifting objects on any axis is amazing, size changing is incredible, automatic item pairing is great! This is so much more than I hoped to dare for, thank you blizzard!!

The only area I could think of to request being added is having it be an option to link multiple items together in the advanced mode rather than just automatically.



I mean, if you watch the video you can see how someone put vines all over stuff in their house by clipping bushes into the walls. The text of the article mentions shrinking down paint cans to make a spice shelf and the bow of a ship with a rotated bed through the wall.

It also mentions stone walls and a wood floor as being only some of the options available.

I think people are really underestimating the limits of what can be built.


You’re talking like there will be GMs in the world goosestepping around and forcing everyone to sit inside their house 24/7 upon threat of ban. That the entire game will be warped around the new, only, endgame pillar of afking inside player housing.

There will still be other content to do, and you can just ignore this if you don’t like it.


I underestimate Blizzard yes. The amount of content was cut or abandoned mid term is quite huge on their record task.

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Nah fam, I’mma keep a room for them like the world’s whackiest hotel…

You can’t distract us from the mess you made of tank Bran.


Will housing be by character or account? I would like all of my characters to share one house.

I knew the team would get it right, but man I feel vindicated after seeing so much negativity and seeing all the comments about how "oh it won’t, it’ll all be stationary and have a specific place "

Genuinely stoked about this - incredible job, team! Tho if i had one single request… Give me a music player to play the Undermine soundtrack lol