Azeroth Beautiful: A Look at Housing Interior Design

I’m literally looking at what they’ve already made for this feature. Are you? Have you even opened and read the article and watched the videos?


Not yet, but this is a start! If Blizz really holds true to their word about carrying this forward over the years it could be better!

And I cannot believe that I just typed that!


I won’t disagree that part. But that ain’t enough. Housing is the best bet especially at revitalizing the RP communities that is in shambles because of FF14. Azeroth is a much better world.

But we can’t always be giving our hearts to something that’s not done without any guarantee. This is the third time Blizzard attempt housing, it needs to be good. Not just acceptable.

This is off to a great start - one suggestion based on the previews, though. We should be able to dye sections of objects a wider range of colors. In the video, you show that the bed frame can only be some shade of grey or brown, but I think you should make any slot any color (more or less).

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This looks very good! If it’s implementation is done correctly, this could end up better than FFXIV’s housing.

Can’t wait to see more!

It’s supposed to debut with hundreds of furniture options. I’m sure more will be released later. And that’s probably because this is coming out in the fall.

I’m not saying they won’t figure out a way to mess it up, but just that what is shown off so far is pretty good.

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I have yes, before even posting. Also did read and commented on the Neighbors concept which is already pretty good.

But I don’t want to stop at just one concept. The game as always been only Human or Orc. It’s time to be immersive and show signs it’ll be.

thats really not a high bar to set lol


Neat, can I please have all my alts chilling in the same house? I love seeing them together in the warband.


Wow, this looks great! Hopefully there will be some functionality for friends to decorate together :slight_smile:

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Wow. Nice work!

  1. Lol.

No more raiding for the next 2 years.

I’d be ok with this


They did show some Night Elf and Blood Elf looking furniture. And some of the couches are obviously Goblin. The limited locations are what I’m worried about personally. I hope those open up eventually.

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tbh i think what (at least what’s been promised so far) is already better than xiv. a lot of houses in xiv that look REALLY good on the inside is only possible with 3rd party plugins that seem to be baseline in wow’s housing which is neat.

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i don’t especially care about player housing but i have to say that this looks excellent. i hope the finished product delivers like this preview did! thanks for sharing this.


If it doesn’t get as much participation as expected then I fully expect Daddy Blizz to add power rewards to sweeten the pot. I don’t care about housing so I doubt I’ll do anything with it, but would indeed if there was some sort of real benefit. Which for me would have to include power rewards. Or maybe some sort of gold generation, that’s why I keep using my garrisons. :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

Limited locations in terms of what?

Since we can add books to shelves, are we going to be able to add Interactable Books to Shelves? Can I finally have my Bookcase of Steamy Stories that I’ve wanted for a while?


Location and house theme. It needs a theme too, it can’t be only a pig farm from Warcraft 2 or a human oversized farm. It’s not the furniture only that should have a casual racial theme. Walls, Doors, Windows, Chimney, the Outside also matter.