I’ll reserve judgement but it only being house interior makes it very restrictive.
I’d love to be able to create a theme park, or a haunted house, or a dungeon, or a castle or a jumping puzzle. The sky should be the limit, not the ceiling of a room.
Hopefully this is only the beginning for housing and it will be expended upon rather than be dropped like every new system has been for every expansion since MoP.
The dye part on placeable items is neat though, props on that, haven’t seen that other MMOs with housing.
Please, please, please Blizzard, look at the Rift MMO and how they handled housing. THAT is how you do housing.
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Nailed it.
Once a new patch comes, does one really care about a dungeon other than it being added to Mythic rotation? And that’s not even talking about the longevity of raids.
This is content that will (and hopefully) last forever.
I don’t want my neighbor to turn their house into a giant… rocket.
Making the customization limited to the inside means if someone else is doing weird stuff I can just not go into their house and its fine.
I can hear people drawing up neighborhood HOA agreements as we speak 
So…human cottages and orc burrows. Joy.
This is amazing especially with all the assets we can use. I have so many ideas in my head on the type of home or mansion I want to build.
I can see myself spending hours in advanced mode trying to make a home that appears functional and represents my character.
I also look forward to seeing the choices for the exteriors of our homes and possibly asset choices for the property around our homes.
If they instance player housing, you won’t have to look at their giant rocket either?
Take a look at the Rift MMO and how they handled housing, they created mini-instances of part of the world and people owned their own mini instance.
Imagine if you could create a house at the top of icecrown citadel, or build a house in (Insert your favorite zone here), or in Stormwind’s murder alley, or the peaks of Hyjal.
I don’t think they’ll be garrisons 2.0. Garrisons were actually useful and had gameplay elements tied to it. This is purely a sidegame activity.
Difference is that the moment we left WoD, the garrison became otherwise useless since even gold missions got destroyed. The only time I visit my garrison is when I was running WoD mog runs and used my garrison hearthstone as a quick means to get to WoD content.
Now instead of sitting idly on a rooftop I can collect house things and play around with building a house out AND presumably each character gets their own so I can play around more creating different layouts that suit different characters better. Like say a mage who’d more likely have magical trinkets and knickknacks laying/hovering around vs a druid who probably would have a more nature-themed asthetic.
You can go chase a flag in a gulch or wait out your LFR queues while alt-tabbed all you want.
If you handle housing like you did Bran this week. We are lucky it comes with walls …
I hope we can also customize the exterior as well! My dream house in 14 was the gingerbread house and would love to be able to decorate for the holidays.
I’m also looking forward to all the neat housing that takes advantage of the advance option feature for moving furniture
This new housing system will finally clean up Goldshire Inn.
So far all my fears in terms of actual decorating seem alleviated - my only remaining concern now is lack of racial and biome diversity when it comes to the human/orc themed neighborhoods (My dorf wants a home on a snowy mountain but alas)
But everything to do with the actual decorating aspect knock it out of the park and is on a fast track to beating the housing systems in other MMOs
No one can get those stains out.
We know player housing isn’t instanced. It’s part of a shared world with sharding. The only truly instanced elements are likely the interior spaces.
not even an exterminates can lol but the nids can lol
I can play PvP. I can play Battle Pets. I can play Faceroll the Old Content. Quest and more quests. These are the stuffs in the game that I dont play now but it’s in there if ever I want to play them again. I paid for it.
This housing thing. That’s … That’s a… That’s a Kid’s Barbie game. RoFL. I am not a fan. I feel sad becoz my subscription pay goes to it and it’s so worthless to me. I would rather have another Tier Raid Dungeon or set of Dungeons than these.
Before, I was proud to tell my friends I play WoW. Dungeons, Raid and PvP… Awesome game. But with this… If a friend asked, Do you play WoW? Do you play that Kid’s game? Ah… eh… well… Hope I wont say, Not anymore. RoFL.
While it looks like it offers a lot tool that are already better than FF14. On top of being able to not lose it.
Is it only going be Human / Orc themed? Or other races will be able to as well benefit from this? What if I want a Blood Elf house that resemble Thalassian style?
I’d imagine if the inn burned to the ground and was rebuilt from scratch the stains would still resurface.
now thats a lot of damage lol
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