Azeroth Beautiful: A Look at Housing Interior Design

I mean if they keep the cadence of 6 months per tier, that would be the next path in August, Fated in January then Midnight in June next year. Even if fated lasted longer, it there’s still a lot of 2026 to go after that.

I don’t really get this reasoning.

that sucks for you


they said faster expansions

no more fated

take what would be fated and make it 12.0

Ok so I’ve been having my doubts about all of this… but seriously if this is how it functions along with being able to dye things. You’ve knocked it out of the park.


Holy crap, this looks amazing. I can already forsee myself spending so many hours getting everything just right.



If they exist for furniture, can they exist for gear too?! Please Blizzard my body is ready.


Sitting in a cathedral style palace on a throne of skulls “Like the skull throne? Makes a wonderful conversation centerpiece.”


Return from where? We’ve been here this whole time :dracthyr_a1:

I’m pretty jazzed! I was also expecting more of a “unlock a piece of furniture, it goes here and only here, all layouts are the same” kind of deal. I can already see that I’m going to be sinking way too much time into this!

As someone who plays a more-than-median amount of Draenei I’m super hyped that furniture can be resized!

With the size of the inside and outside not affecting each other, it sounds like the interior will be strictly instanced and the exteriors alone will be what’s joined to other player housing. Cool! But I imagine that some people were wanting to wander freely in and out of houses and see people inside in neighborhoods. Not a dealbreaker for me, since I’m pretty ‘meh’ on the concept of neighborhoods in the first place.


Don’t you dare give me hope!


This is Rift style placement and movement! It’s also a better dye system than even Palia— which is a game specifically for housing.

Y’all are knocking it out of the park here!!

And to all those people who said, “you’re just getting rehashed Garrisons and not real ability to place things…” excuse me while I point and laugh.


Return from Moon Guard. Everyone is holed up there. We got some exclusive Hordies on WrA but most have jumped ship to go stand in Stormwind next to the 17 foot tall dracthyr growth-pot-abusers.


I am not a fan.

So we design the house and then what?

Do we do playhouse? … this is mommy, this is daddy, this is me. We play in the living room. Yeeeeeey!!!

Is this the new World of WarCraft?

Yes please, and I want a real black, not a deep charcoal wannabe


Much as I want to be like, well yeah, people go where the other people are, I would love to see a thriving Horde population again. I have Horde characters that have been collecting mothballs and I love crossfaction interaction.

I’m not sure how housing would do it, but if it does, yay!

Easily one of the most boring cities in the game, well except the Exodar… just cause there’s nothing really to the Exodar… even its inn is kinda basic. Just a ton of open empty space. SW is a step up from that, but still boring.

Then ignore it if it doesn’t appeal to you? Like I ignore rated PVP.

It’s not for me, but it doesn’t get me ruffled that it exists.


Imagine if you didn’t have to hunt down exact matching shades of black or brown or red to make them go together…it’d be like some kind of crazy dream…


To add on to what I said above for the people who “dont get” housing

When it comes to new features being added to the game, if some people want all new content to be focused SOLELY on combat and chasing bigger DPS numbers, go play PoE or some sort of endless dungeon crawler.

It’s World of Warcraft not Dungeons of Warcraft.

Housing is for people who care about the setting the world, the RPG part of MMORPG, living a fantasy life in this fantastical world, knowing that part of this fantasy world is yours that you get to decorate with your accomplishments, to roleplay a character that has a home on Azeroth and getting to physically make a home for your character in the game.

It’s for people that want an immersive experience and feel like their characters are really part of this world and not just pixels moving through a static unchanging facade.

If the feature doesn’t appeal to you that’s fine, you don’t have to interact with it at all, but to imply that because its not something you care about, it is dumb and shouldn’t be added is both very small minded, selfish and frankly rude. Likewise there are just as many if not MORE people who probably don’t care about things you might like, that doesn’t mean those things shouldn’t be added either.

Honestly adding player housing is way more important to the longevity of the game than adding extra dungeons or raids. Dungeons for a lot of people are one and done and even less people even touch raids. (Last time I saw someone crunch the numbers online, only 10% of active players participate in raids in any form, including LFR)


how dare people want a space of their own in a game they like.


LOL bro if you think these are going to be anything more than garrisons 2.0 with few extra spaces to put decorations you are actually a :clown_face: