I genuinely have never understood the appeal of player housing. Can someone explain why they are looking forward to this? I’m not trying to be rude, just trying to understand why people want this.
might see it might be few patches after the home one
Who cares about Fated anyway that was always break time before the new expansion
It all looks super robust. I am very impressed and I can’t wait to see more!
I adore ESO’s housing, Ive put hundreds of hours into my house alone, but already this one beats it - in ESO you can’t scale objects, nor can you change the colour or texture of furniture, nor can edit the wall, ceiling, floor texture or the actual layout.
They havnt shown off the exterior to the houses yet but Im sure we’ll be able to customize those too.
So far the only thing ESO housing has over the WoW housing, is variety in terms of locations in the world and racial styles
Blizz this looks AMAZING! I am making two requests though.
1: Update the selfie cam so that we can take front facing pics too, and allow us to convert our in game wow photos into paintings we can hang on our walls. This would let us frame beautiful scenery pics, or pics of our friends or other alt characters. This would be incredible for roleplay too.
2: A bit of an ask, but updating the cooking skill so that recipes can be turned into furniture decor would make cooking relevant again and people would go back and learn old expansion recipes for decor.
Same reason people care about transmog, more ways to express yourself in game.
It’s an incredibly obvious answer that really does not need to be asked…some people want to flex their creative juices and design spaces in unfathomably distinct ways. The possibilities are quite likely infinite or as close to it as they come.
THIS is exactly what I wanted. A Sims-style placement tool to really just make a home like a home. The next bit is seeing the interactivity with objects. Sure, you can place a chair against a wall at an angle, but can you SIT on it? Basically, a way to turn on/off interactivity with an object.
The next bit is how MANY objects? Like, are we getting unfiltered access to dev kit-styled stuff? Every table you can find in game, every fireplace, etc. that has already been seen and then start adding new stuff to collect?
Finally, when it comes to pets allow me to resize them too, let me say use the Withered Blood Elf pet and make him Blood Elf sized to be a butler. Hell, some NPCs just for flavor.
Either way, this has already exceeded my expectations and my mind is already working out ways to combine objects to simulate effects. This is a hard W.
Looks like I’ll be respeccing all my characters into “Interior Decorator” for Midnight.
Looks good surprisingly.
So yet another instance of a major studio being forced to actually deliver something of quality after years of slop. I sure do love modern-day gaming.
Never played any games with a house besides The Sims. I don’t see the point of a house. You’re going to be going out to do quests and dungeons, not kicking back sitting in your house chillin like a villain. Not looking forward to some Barbie Doll House Sims game.
Imagine that!! You and your guild finally got that kill and you can put the selfie on the wall of your house.
So don’t take part in it, you stick in the mud.
I’m presuming you also don’t like battle pets. Content is allowed to exist that’s not for you.
I agree, with the caveat that the house rested XP should be only on logout – in other words, discouraging AFK’ing inside the house all day, so one doesn’t stop using city amenities or interacting with players as most did with the Garrisons.
The best part is that you can only use in game screenshots so I can’t see many ways you could abuse it. The worst is like taking pictures of a bunch of elves in their underwear, which is pretty tame, we have those paintings already in game lol.
While we’re not really talking about exteriors in this article, it’s worth mentioning that the outside size of your house has no bearing on how big the interior is. If you want a huge mansion outside with just one room inside or a tiny shack on the outside but a dozen rooms inside, you do you.
It’s a TARDIS!
Seriously though, this does ease some of my fears that we’d be forced into Orc or Human homes, at least from an interior perspective. I hope the next reveal can show more Horde stuff.
Omg Jesus!!! This is super epic .just please make the bed and chair interactive I would love to lay down in my bed after a long day of raids or delves or something…
And allow cooking from your house…omg I would love that…also if we can have holiday pieces so for Halloween we can decorate our house and thanksgiving and Christmas and Easter and 4th of July…omg omg omg. And
Also Toontown rewritten in there housing has stuff you can put in an attic to store for later…
something crazy like 90% of players never do or interact with raids at all - but you dont see the majority of the population complaining about them adding in more raids
Not everything will be for every type of player and thats okay - the fact remains that housing has been the BIGGEST most requested feature above all others since vanilla, is a feature in every single other major mmo and is considered a staple feature of the genre now, just as important as raids and dungeons, and across the mmos that have it - is one of if not the MOST interacted with popular feature of those games
Let’s be real, this feature is great! The amount of assets that exists in the world of Azeroth and beyond is huge!