"Azeroth at War" achievements unobtainable because BFA gold missions no longer spawn

With the removal of gold missions from the BFA mission table in the Shadowlands prepatch, this prevents the completion of some of the “Azeroth at War” achievements under Expansion Features -> War Effort.

Needs to be fixed to spawn again with a different reward or removed from the achievement.

My experience is with the Horde version of the achievements. I’m sure this affects the alliance version of as well, but am not able to test that. All the missions listed below are gold missions, I’ve seen every other non gold mission spawn since Shadowlands release.

Azeroth at War: The Barrens (Horde)
-Defending Durotar
-Salvaging the Battlecar
-At a Crossroads
-Steamwheedle Alliance

Azeroth at War: After Lordaeron (Horde)
-Dalaran Ritual

Azeroth at War: Kalimdor on Fire (Horde)
-Still attainable, does not require any gold missions.


I’ve been waiting for steamwheedle Alliance and southshore sabotage on my BFA main as they’re the only ones I need for the mission achievements and haven’t seen them. I had not thought about the fact that they would be gold missions and might not show up at all now vs. just bad RNG. :frowning:

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Southshore Sabotage might be rare, but is not a gold mission so it can still show up. I’ve seen that one before since the beginning of Shadowlands.

Steamwheedle Alliance unfortunately is a gold mission though, so am afraid we are out of luck on that one until some kind of fix is put in.

If anyone has proof of a gold mission spawning since the SL prepatch, please post it. Maybe there is a workaround that could be used to trigger it.


I’ve been unable to get the two achievement (Azeroth at War: After Lordaeron and The Barrens, both alliance side). The missions are “Steamwheedle Alliance” and “Dances with the Dark Rangers”. I have checked the available missions almost daily for the better part of a year, tried taking a lot of different missions, unlocked every outpost upgrade, and these two missions have not spawned.

This is ridiculous at this point. We need a blue comment about whether these have been removed from the game.


Competed these achievements as Alliance years ago, and now that I’m Horde I no longer have these since they have different ID Tags. If these gold missions can’t be reinstated with a different reward the achievements “Azeroth At War: The Barrens” and “Azeroth At War: After Lordaeron” need to be moved to the Feats of Strength or Legacy tab and worth 0 points

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This is so stupid. Bliz need to fix asap

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Still unobtainable in 9.1.5. Please make the gold missions spawn with a different reward, remove the gold missions from the achievement requirements, or move to Feat of Strength.


Bumping again in hopes of getting a 9.2 fix for these unobtainable achievements. Multiple others that are affected as well.



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I’m not sure if anyone has tried this and if the achievements have to be completed on the same character but if you have an alt and never pick up the heart of Azeroth you still get the gold missions


Because I was interested in manually leveling a Vulpera in a way that would grant its Heritage Armor I tried what Hunteni suggested.

Without ever obtaining the Heart of Azeroth BfA artifact weapon (neck), I leveled from 10 onward in the Battle for Azeroth zones, opened footholds (which spawns followers), and am now seeing Gold Missions on my table aboard Wind’s redemption in Zuldazar.

Time played till the table and gold missions were available? 1 day two hours (I level slowly and enjoy the process). Of course, all missions for those achievements must be completed before they are awarded so this may take some time.

Note I’m at level 47 now and hesitant to ding 50 for fear the needed missions may vanish so I’ve forwarded Resources from my level 60’s to the fresh Vulpera and will just camp out at the mission table till I’ve cycled through all required missions and the deed is done.


@Huntenei Great info, this is a really good find.

I’ve been trying this as well on a level 50 boost without a Heart of Azeroth. I am now receiving missions with a gold reward, however they are the same missions that give a resource/azerite reward when you do have a Heart of Azeroth.

So I believe there is two types of gold missions:

  1. Missions that reward gold without a Heart of Azeroth, that then instead reward resource/azerite with a Heart of Azeroth
  2. Pure gold missions - these are the missions that are not spawning

@Nymph On your Vulpera can you confirm with screenshot or armory of getting one of the pure gold missions

Azeroth at War: The Barrens (Horde)
-Defending Durotar
-Salvaging the Battlecar
-At a Crossroads
-Steamwheedle Alliance

Azeroth at War: After Lordaeron (Horde)
-Dalaran Ritual

If so, that means the pure gold missions can be spawned by
-Character under Level 50
-Character does not have Heart of Azeroth
-Footholds unlocked


Hey great feedback and sorry if this option doesn’t work, I’ve never specficially looked for this task :stuck_out_tongue:. My next leveling character I’ll do just BFA and see how it goes.

It may be a case where Bliz disabled “gold mission” but if you don’t have the heart, it glitches and gives gold instead of AP? OR potentially they are just really rare?
I really hope it isnt this and/or Bliz just re-enable the gold missions OR even remove them from Achv requirement.

This was first reported close to a year ago? How has blizzard not fixed it? How has there not even been a reply? :frowning:

So far I have seen only 1 from the AaW: Barrens and 6 from Lorderon. None have (as yet) been among those you list. But I’ll continue and report affirmatively if and when I do. Additionally, I have a Mag’har working the same table - also with no listed missions. Perhaps as you suggest all I am seeing is what I knew (as a latecomer) to be Azerite missions in their original (or “glitched”) form as Gold missions. Disappointing if true - but I will plod on to test the theory.

I have been “playing the tables” with two fresh characters now (level 50 with no Heart of Az) for a week and while I see many gold missions (because in absence of the HoA azerite missions are converted to gold) I have yet to see one of the original gold missions that were removed at the end of this expansion. It is a small investment of time for me to continue this experiment with two alts but I am no longer optimistic that there is a workaround to this old achievement and would discourage anyone from trying what I did. Fortunately my primary interest in leveling these two was access to the Vulpera and Mag’har Heritage Armor - so at least I have that. Disappointing that it appears that denying completion of these achieves after the close of BfA was intentional - and even more so that there was never even an official response to this Bug report. But the state of the game is what it is.


Looks like these missions might finally be obtainable again as of 9.2.5! I just received the “Defending Durotar” mission, which was previously one of the unobtainable gold missions, now giving a rep reward instead. Will need to wait and see if all the other missing missions spawn to verify the achievements are obtainable again, but hopefully should no longer be an issue.