Due to the deletion of a couple of the mission table quests at the end of BfA, these 2 achieves have since been impossible to get. Now I know Blizz just recently made it possible for max level toons to get a certain WoD achieve that was also previously impossible to get as well. So clearly someone over at Blizz HQ is still working on things that are broken. If you could please pass on the message to this employee that this too needs to be fixed, that would great.
Which achievement is that?
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Oh darn, this is probably something that they will always overlook.
I forget the name but it’s the one where you needed to do 3 of then zone events in the snowy area. Previously it was not possible on max level toons as the events de-phased and only were available for toons lower than level 50?
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Hah good luck bro i m stucked on Have… Have We Met? from like 4 years
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Yea but at least that one is actually possible to do. There are still discords for that achieve. The 2 I mentioned are literally impossible to do since the missions required for them have been deleted from the game.