Azeroth at War: The Barrens (Achievement)

Unable to complete achievement Azeroth at War: The Barrens. This achievement requires a mission called Steamwheedle Alliance which rewards gold normally. I have been informed that since the launch of Shadowlands, all missions that reward gold at the BFA mission table have been removed. I feel this might be true since I have not seen a single mission at the BFA mission table that rewards gold since the launch of Shadowlands…including the mission I need. I have been checking 2-3 times almost every day for 5 months. If this mission has been removed, how do I complete the achievement?


I also am just missing this one for my achievement, been checking 2 times per day since SL came out and never seen it. Thought maybe I was just turbo unlucky. Didn’t put the gold thing together.


I have been checking my mission table daily for 8 months now. I had the achievement on Alliance side, then swapped Horde for the last 2 months of the expansion. I started going for the Horde side version of this achievement only to get locked out. I have not had any of the following missions spawn in 8 months on this table:
Defending Durotar
Salvaging the Battlescar
At a Crossroads
Steamwheedle Alliance

I am also not able to get the following mission for “Azeroth at War: After Lordaeron”:
Dalaran Ritual

It would be nice if Blizzard spent even a single iota of time towards fixing what are obviously broken parts of the game. I have tried to open tickets about these being bugged about 5 times now only to get a copy paste, verbatim, response from their GMs stating that nothing is wrong and that I must be just missing something.


are you clearing the existing missions, or are you waiting around hoping that the one you want will appear?

i’d suggest completing as many missions as possible, to increase the turnover of offerings.

The problem is that they eliminated BFA gold missions in Shadowlands, and these are gold missions left for the achievement.

I posted on another thread that was started about this recently, as I can’t complete the Barrens achievement because I need “Steamwheedle Alliance” and I also can’t complete The After Lordaeron achievement as I need “Southshore Sabotage,” which is a gold reward mission according to wowhead. I didn’t realize it wasn’t bad RNG and they were just eliminated, as I have also been checking daily for months, new missions showing every day. I tried checking across other characters who may have them done, but they are missing other gold missions.

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they didn’t eliminate the missions, they changed the currency reward.
…same as the legion ones, and the draenor ones.

i was going to test by cycling through the missions, but i don’t have enough resources on any of my alts :zipper_mouth_face:

i do recall that some of them took multiple full clearings of the board before they showed up… if you’re just logging in and looking, the chance of them showing up is probably slim.

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Ok, I’m hoping that’s the case! I will keep looking. I check on around 10 or more characters a day and do some of the missions on those alts (but not all since they are running lower on resources), but haven’t seen any of the old gold-only missions in a very long time. Any of the characters that did those missions did them during BFA. I’ll try to cycle through more on the character with resources.

I’m looking at the wowhead page again, and it looks like Southshore could be an azerite mission also, but Steamwheedle Alliance is not, along with the ones Improudofyou mentioned above.

I clear the table daily. I have an absurd about of resources so I just spend it at the table clearing them out daily hoping to see it spawn up.


one other thought… have you got all of the outposts unlocked?

i found a character with heaps of resources, so i’ll try to remember to keep spamming missions to see if any of them show up… to try and rule out if it’s just supremely bad RNG

GMs can’t do anything about bugs

if you want to report in game, use the bug report option

I have some bad news to add to this achievement. I just noticed they don’t complete cross-faction. I have 2 of 3 done on Horde, but Alliance have 0 out of 3 completed. :sob:

horde and alliance have different completion requirements for this.

i haven’t seen any of the alliance side ones pop yet.
i’ll keep cycling
(i’ve only been checking once per day for 3 days so far)


Sometimes they will still have auto cross-faction completion even with different sub-requirements, I guess I never noticed this one not doing so before. I’m going to have to find a new strategy if I’m going to complete those as well! I still haven’t seen any gold-only missions at all either.

Dalaran Ritual showed up for two of my Alliance characters today! Neither of them have a proper stealth team to complete it, but it’s proof to me that they still may exist, albeit extremely rare. Time will tell as I continue to check every day! Thanks for helping us investigate this, Nobully. :slight_smile:

I have also been checking for the “Steamwheedle Alliance” mission every single day since at least the 9.0 prepatch, and I have never seen it pop up, neither on my main nor on many alts. It’s like it doesn’t exist anymore.

“Steamwheedle Alliance” is the only mission I still need for the BFA mission-related achievements, and it’s very frustrating. And, yes, I am regularly completing missions to spawn new ones.

As for the claim that the reward was simply changed from gold to something else, Wowhead still shows its reward as being gold, and the last sighting of it posted there was from before the 9.0 prepatch. It seems likely to me at this point that the mission was simply removed from the rotation. If that is the case, it also should to be removed from the achievement requirements.

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i’ve derped a bit… i discovered that some of the ones people are having issues with, are horde side.

i’ve only got enough resources to check on alliance side :tired_face:

updating the checklist:

Defending Durotar
Salvaging the Battlescar
At a Crossroads
Steamwheedle Alliance
Dalaran Ritual = confirmed to still exist 5/14/2021

none of the BFA mission board info has been updated.
missions which i currently have active, are still listed as level 120/(800) on wowhead


Haha no worries! I have to start figuring out how to complete the Alliance side, too, now that I know they are separate, so I’ll report back on that front if I find anything. I took a look at the Alliance achievements on Wowhead and here are the gold-only missions listed, just for reference. I haven’t been paying attention to if these have shown up or not yet aside from the Steamwheedle one:

Steamwheedle Alliance (also on Horde)
At a Crossroads (also on Horde)
Lingering in Theramore
The Defense of Northwatch Hold
Dancing with Dark Rangers

I have usually been checking on my characters with low resources anyway, just to see if any of these exist on their average rotation.

I do notice that some people on a Wowhead comment from early 2020 said they were waiting months to over a year for Steamwheedle Alliance (and another one) to show up due to RNG, so it’s possible it really is just that. I still want to make sure the others are showing up though to confirm.

One more update as my brain is working this out: the Dalaran Ritual mission on Alliance side actually does have Azerite as an alternate reward in Wowhead, and that’s the one I saw it on, so we potentially can’t cross that one out yet, since Horde only has gold.

I’ve been looking for this mission (Steamwheedle Alliance) for close to a year and it has yet to pop. Did anyone get an answer on this? Did your mission ever crop up? Dying a slow death over here.

I eventually completed this on both factions - horde on 4/29/23 and alliance on 10/10/23, 2-2.5 years after this post. :scream: I think I had two characters working on the alliance version at one time to increase the likelihood of getting the rarest missions. The most recent wowhead comments states it was fixed in May 2022 with the 9.2.5 patch, but it seems that RNG is still a factor.

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Oh god thats depressing. Ok, ill run multiple toons on some almost 3-expansions old content. Thanks, Blizzard.

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