Axes design, why its so weird?

I’ve been mogging my weapons as long as I’ve been playing because my characters are usually too small to wield such large, heavy weapons and it looks goofy to me.
But that’s me.

So yeah, I don’t think they’ll be changing too much stuff now since the layoffs so Idk if you’d want to get your hopes up. GL though.

Well, theres 3 exps incoming, at least 5 two handed axes??

Recently blizz did a rework on gorehowl, i love it… years ago blizz did Crash of tides…
Why is it so hard? my point is: you don’t have miss the mark 50 times for each time you hit the mark.

I don’t have a problem with the look of axes so much as I do how they are animated, the way almost every race holds and uses axes just looks so wrong. You do not want to hold an axe with both hands together in the middle of the handle, you want one hand near the axe head that gives the power behind the swing and one hand near the end of the handle to help guide said swing, similar to how polearms are held and swung with certain swing animations for them.

People who designed how races held polearm should be in jail :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

There’s a lot of good axes, but swords are just cooler

we have like 60 awesome swords… 10 axes…

axe users are like some orcs using gorehowl, DK’s arctifact weapon, clash of tides… or Fyr’alath because its a especial weapon…

nobody mog axes lol

I think most axes look ok. I just lean towards swords.

I do not agree with you.

Whole game, just 5 good axes.

Hundreds of models.

Just 5?

Man theres actually a lot of great axes, I wish I could link better in WoW.

Top of my head theres Worldcarver, 2h Axe from Trial of the Champion, 2h Axe (Horde) Trial of the Crusader, the Felreaver Axe in HFC, Byrntroll, the Bone Arbiter, Shadowmourne, Crow Wing Reaper, Dread Gladiator’s, Ethereum Nexus Reaver, Betrayer of Humanity

Why nobody mogs axes?

This is a good one, thats what i’m talking about, we need more like this.

This is one which looks like a toy.

Not bad, but its “DK vibes”


Same problem as Byrntroll


Crash of tides is a 9.5/10, Gorehowl is 9/10

Have you seen the way the character holds a polearm?

“Excellent design” … an axe that could never actually be wielded? OK

Good to know where your head is at.

humanitarian crime, i already gave up about that one…
i’m just asking for some axes which resembles axes and not toys

Name a axe which you considers good.
Primal Gladiator Decapitator can be wielded just fine.

BTW, you are a dwarf warrior with a terrible mog, a crime against humanity

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I gotta agree with Brox on this… I think 2h axes in this game are lacking. They do an excellent job with polearms and 2h swords, ok job with 2h maces, but I think they need to go back to the drawing board for the choppers.

I have ten paladins, four warriors and three DKs.

One uses an axe of either kind:

It’s the only 2h weapon with the right color gold.

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A question science has yet to answer. Maybe they do need to be cooler

5/10 job on polearms, in most of them characters hold it wrong, just as 2h axes is very hard to count how many are actually good

6/10 job on 2H maces, huge hammers are lacking, like these :point_down:
http s://

2H axes are a 3/10 job, i can’t defend it besides new gorehowl, clash of tides, some DK artifacts

2H swords 9/10 job

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I might be biased on polearms because I love Tovi’s scythe so much.

Well, no, there are several polearms I love.

Well…you are a real person behind all of these posts with a terrible personality. :smile: J/k j/k

You have a point with my MOG. I kept getting this crap in The Emerald Dream so I just went with it. I do need to get back to something Dwarfy.

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The mog I’m wearing looks pretty damn awesome on a dwarf because you get the horns with the glorious beard.

I’ve been making male toons lately. I feel like such a rebel.

Anyways, if you don’t like my mog, I would still recommend the helmet.