Axes design, why its so weird?

imagine how boring this FANTASY game would if every axe looked realistic and practical

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:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Most of the weapons in this game look like they are made out of foam lol. I like the older daggers and swords, them being thin makes them feel sharp.


2h axe models have an underlying weirdness because they are modeled for the wrong animation type.

2h axes should not be held like 2h swords… they should be held like polearms. That’s why their proportions will always look off.

Every 2h axe looks like a scaled up hatchet because they are being made for humanoid models that don’t hold them like a humanoid would.


Yeah, I think that’s a major reason why I don’t like them. Casually holding a 2handed axe in a single hand makes them look oddly out of place.

Where did this word came from? “every” ?

Theres 350 two handed axes, why we can’t have 10 like those ones?

Draconic Avenger is one of the best looking weapon models in the game. Fact.

Im a big fan of this one from the centaur.


Hellrender from WoD is also insanely axe looking.

The fact that they use 2h sword animations not only gives them weird animations, it forces weird proportions for the models.

I mean, look at the pictures posted in this thread for good visuals. Every depiction of a 2h axe being wielded features a shaft as a handle and a spaced grip. No one holds a top-heavy two handed weapon like an axe or hammer with their hands together. If they used the polearm animations, they would be forced to use models that more accurately modeled the proportions of axes.

The new polearms from The Emerald Dream patch are better looking 2h axes than any actual 2h axe in the game. They look literally 10x better to wield.

It’s a fantasy game. Why should they limit their imagination into the narrow parameters of what you think makes an acceptable looking axe?

Had a quick squiz over the 2h axes, and favourited the ones I like personally. Landed around 30; I’d say thats decent enough for a weapon that really only suits Orcs.

Another wash thread by Broxikor.

Yeah, FF14 does a better job at modeling how to hold them lol:

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I gave examples of what they are doing good.

Literally nobody asked that.

I don’t think i have to go look, but I’m pretty sure you can find at least 10 practical axes in game. Usually the older models.

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Yes, but i’m not asking for “practical axes”.
I’m asking for badass axes, gave examples, like Crash of tides, why don’t we have more axes similar to this one?

Well least if Forged in Fire Show comes around again they can forge Fyr’alath in real life. Then find someway to add the flames maby with lighter fluid or lantern fuel. Need a slow burning fuel to give it the flaming look.

It’s implied by your thread. If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t be asking the question and phrasing it the way you did.

Again, the implication is that going forward, axes should be limited to your examples because those are the only ones you deem good. Thank you for proving my point.

I gave 3 examples of what they are doing good, 3 examples of what i consider terrible, theres nothing implying they should “limit into the narrow parameters”, you can keep 100000000000 axes which looks like a toy, just gave me 3,4,5 new axes which have blades which at least resemble iron blades?

Your point is that 99,9% two handed users doens’t use two handed axes because they mog into non-axe mogs and this is something suposed to be good?

Get a job at Blizzard and design the axes you think are appropriate is all I can suggest.

Til then, you have the option of mogging them which is a good option.