Axes design, why its so weird?

Tried looking it up but cant see your profile. I usually use the Dwarf heritage which i think is the best heritage in the game… i may be biased a little. (Edit: I looked up your MOG from outside of the forums… epic!)

can you name some of them? i’m curious

the ones I like are twin-strike polearm as a night elf and hellreaver

My bad. I keep forgetting I have my posting history hidden.

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Yes, Hellreaver is a really good one.

These are my favorites:
Scythe of the Unmaker, blue and red (Tovi and my Druid’s mog)
Cloudsong Glaive (Druid’s mog)
Jade Arcus / Black Ice
Venomreaver … when was this put in?! I MUST HAVE IT
Fel-Infused Polearm
Witch-Hunter’s Harvester / Spooky Scythe / Elementium Poleaxe
Twin-Strke Polearm
Veiled-Touched Ranseur (paladin’s mog)
Terokk’s Quill

There’s probably more but it’s a PITA to look up on my iPad.

the size of this weapon is a crime, it could be SO MUCH better, its a 5/10 for me but it could be 8 or 9 in suitable size

these are basically the same weapon, they are good btw, 7/10 for me

this is 9/10, massive huge just like all polearms should be

unobtainable, sad

why can’t we have polearms like these :point_down:
http s://

I dig it the less fantasy, more realistic look of this.

it could be made into wow artstyle… but in this proportion, theres none polearm like this, polearms blades are very timid in this game

tell me why we don’t have polearms like this

http s://

Here ya go:

Pretty wicked :metal: :smiling_imp: :metal:

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I need four of those Venreavers crafted. I hope they’re not expensive.