Awful Era changes

Classic Era is just a raiding simulator. It’s a bastardization of vanilla. It’s been a sinking ship since they removed spellbatching.


You think you want the old UI, but you don’t


Anecdotal evidence only but the in game consensus on my cluster leaned hard towards dislike but some weren’t fussed and a minority wanted even more changes.


I do, im still pissed about the current retail UI. I cant stand it,


That feature was designed for the internet of 2004 not 2024 and has no requirement anymore, get over it.

It wasn’t a feature designed in 2004. It was a limitation with the servers.

PvPers infamously used it to their advantage, and developed strategies around it. The revamped talent trees were balanced with it in mind.

Without spellbatching vanilla PvP is just whackamole with capped APM. Like watching paint boil.

It was just executed very poorly on Blizzard’s 1.13 client, and the decision to make it a 400ms window instead of something more reasonable to modern standards like 150ms reinforced it’s negative reaction.


Totally agree with you mate

play retail.

It wasnt coded into the game in original vanilla. It was a result if poor internet. If you want to recreate it, downgrade your connection. They should nit be trying to recreate the slow hardware effects.

I literally said that, and no poor internet will not give you spellbatching. It’s entirely on the server.

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nostalgia being worse than crackers

Clean up on aisle 5!

holy topic consolidation

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Right there with you. Why make unwanted changes to the only era server? Vanilla should be vanilla, not with sprinkles.


As a long time vanilla player (2006 vanilla, 2009 feenix, nost, kronos) and with 180 KT kills logged on era over 4 chars, alli rend is a good change…
the fact that the whole MC mechanic for rend is gone is a big win imo, sure gonna miss the rush of stealing sunbuff but ive never been caught, better luck on turtle 2.0 fresh, noobs… (no fee for capper)

not sure about the no cooldown change on world buffs or sure about the random change to druids (its a good change, a new home for eye of nerub instead of it being DEed. just nobody asked for it)

Maybe they will bring the GDKP ban to era as well.

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They are too busy bringing Era to SoD to bring anything to Era. Hubris, you see.

Would you like your wow token and cash shop mounts too? These are the steps that brought Vanilla into the Retail it is today. Small adjustments, some might say QOL.

QOL and developer hubris killed the MMO Star.


Tbh I rly couldn’t care about the wow token. this warrior earned it’s gear via lc in classic and soft res/dkp in era and i also earned 100s of thousands of gold in gdkps carrying people who get away with buying gold anyway with out the token being in game, so what be real.

As for purely cosmetic micro transactions I’d strongly recommend blizzard don’t do that, but rly if they made something good that fits with out ruining the identity of certain things, why not?
But again, I don’t trust blizz with that.

For anyone saying the changes are good or don’t matter. It’s totally irrelevant to the discussion and is a waste of everyone’s time.

Era is meant to be Classic 2019 as it was, the day before TBC Classic came out. It’s meant to be a museum…that’s the entire point of its existence and creation. It does not matter if these changes are good or bad, they shouldn’t exist in the first place.

We’ve seen what happens when lots of small changes happen to a game over a long length of time with retail. The reason people are on Era is that they like the game how it is and don’t want to deal with changes. Idgaf if you think Alliance having the new world buff is good or not, it’s not Classic 2019, and it has no place on era.

If Blizzard came out and announced no more patches for retail WoW, I’m sure the playerbase would be furious, and then having era players come in and call them losers or overreacting would result in them being clowned on for being dumb dumbs expecting retail players to be happy with such drastic change, so stop doing it to Era players for rightfully being mad that their servers are being changed when from the start the goal of era was no changes ever.

Not to mention, people PAID MONEY to clone their characters on era, being told it would be an untouched version of 2019 Classic. It’s a clown show.


You understand it perfectly.
Why call it ERA? Its clearly not at this point.

Whether the posters here subjectively believe the changes are good or bad is moot, the product was a faithful(as possible) recreation of Vanilla.

These awful Devs cant even ‘do nothing’ correctly.