Awful Era changes

I’m not even upset at most of the changes in a vacuum. I am however, quite upset that the sheer laziness of letting the obvious mistake from updating SoD go through and acting like it was intended all along.


They removed the unintended parts and kept the intended parts. “Sheer laziness” would be doing nothing to counteract these.

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I don’t know, why else would they allow druids to use polearms in era? SoD has a ton of great polearms options for druids, but this change makes very little sense for era.

Hate to break it to ya but Druid polearms have always been in the files, just not available in the game until now. Literally turned it on like a flick of a switch. Meaning it’s always been mean’t to be a change.

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By that logic, shamans were “always meant to tank” since they have some tank focused talents like increased parry. Let’s just go full season of discovery changes in era at that point

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We were barely clinging onto a recognizable version of vanilla, but each passing patch from SOM or SOD where you managed to add in changes despite era being a “static” game has made era a unrecognizable abomination of a game. You have somehow managed to ruin a game that all you had to do was not touch. I’ve cancelled both of my accounts, not because I don’t think the game isn’t playable, I’m sure it can still be fun. But because I frankly just don’t want to support people who are so incompetent at what they do anymore. Congratulations on taking one of the greatest games of all time and ruining it to make some garbage seasonal spinoffs because you don’t want to manage separate code base/clients to run it.


Don’t let others shout you down. By far the most productive thing we can do at this point is advocate for the dismissal of anyone responsible for these decisions, and the hiring of a new team with a modicum of respect for Era and the people who want to play it. There’s nothing toxic about calling for the removal of those whose incompetence is affecting others.


Melting down and demanding someone get fired bevause of a small change in a video game is unhinged lol.


where will you go, OP? There’s nothing else out there. If you can’t make it work here, you are out of the genre.

Private servers.
The once and future king.


There are other ways to play versions of vanilla that blizzard hasn’t ruined. Debatable if they are better or not, but I’ll spend some time checking those out now since the official offering is no longer even pretending to be a true to vanilla experience.


Closed my sub. Was going to renew in two days. Era hasn’t been vanilla for a longtime, and the sudden boom in population turned out to be a curse in the end. It was fun while she lasted.


if you’re job description is to make pizzas and then suddenly in the middle of your time at the workplace start to only make burritos despite the customers requesting pizza I would say that it’s fair for them to be fired.


Yup, changes crept in last year when blizzard employees went back to Era because their changes to TBC / Wrath crushed those games, mostly the gold token in Wrath, legit that same month wrath died and Era exploded.

Didn’t take em long to jack up the pvp system and then give us the arguably worse dragonflight engine only to make it even worse yesterday with laggy glitchy framerates and a scuffed menu change to a system that has been working for TWENTY years without any problems…

This isn’t even including all the SoM and SoD leakage… Everything from succubus being able to complete cast from inviz to prowl breaking in world grave yards for “reasons” to now druid can just use polearms, again “reasons”…

What next paladin can use staff and daggers?


It just isn’t the same company. AAA developers (not just Blizzard) ruin everything they touch, ussually their once golden IPs. And sometimes it’s not even gaming developers but big companies like Disney also. The issue when you start trying to please shareholders over die hard fans, you start to lose what makes your IP so great. Power and money corrupt.


Rather than take responsibility they are acting like this was done on purpose. Zero accountability for the team working on SoD as their incompetence has spilled over to era. Im beyond words and this is a sad time to be a vanilla WoW fan.


we all know the changes weren’t originally intentional, you’re just having trouble with the code… but why not separate SoD from Vanilla to begin with? Before P1 even rolled out…


This is why private servers are popping up and blatantly advertising for users. Their market is coming back.


Ya tempting to cancel my wife and our account now too.

Love how they always do this when we almost are at max level…

We were having fun on Deviate Delight but blizz has to of course step in and ruin that


I will be brief.

  1. The UI changes have bricked many people’s UIs. There is no reason to update a 20 year old video game that re released in 2019 for the sole purpose of playing the original game. If you MUST update the game keep it to seasonal realms and the retail client.

  2. The classic UI is part of the classic (era) experience. We want to play the game how it was back then. Please leave us alone with out game. We got classic out of your company and now you are slowly changing it.

  3. The latency in chat and disconnection issue on a 20 year old video game that has been stable for YEARS is completely unacceptable. It is especially egregious that these connection issues are a result of an update that destroyed many players UI and changed a fundamental aspect of the game.