Awful Era changes

Like I said, downplay it all you want. Go full shill if you like. Im not at all skeptical of a poster who arrived on the scene 24 hours ago and has 20 posts on this topic specifically.


Going to the pay to win pservers with different changes? Lol. Ok.


I played on a dozen or so different projects and nothing was more pay to win than Classic lmfao. Even if GMs sold r14 characters under the table that pales in comparison to the rampant botting and RMT on Classic since 2019.

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Level boosts in pservers and nobody bats an eye, level boosts in classic and everybody loses their mind. lol. If you look hard enough you will find RMT and Botting on your pservers, no matter where you go. I’m not trying to sound like I advocate for it but if you play a game there’s a black market for it, sorry to tell ya.

Edit: You just choose to ignore it because it’s not official servers.


Did i say it didn’t exist? No.

I said whatever nefarious stuff other players or even GMs are doing is irrelevant compared to the extreme mismanagement of Classic.

Before HC launched you could sit in EPL and watch hundreds if not thousand of bots openly FLYHACKING and NOCLIPPING from LHC to Strat. If this happened on any pserver it would be laughed at by the community until it shut down.

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If you re-read what I said, I didn’t say it didn’t exist. Official has a bigger pop than pservers if a quarter of those people are botting or using noclip/hacks to their advantage it’s gonna be much more noticeable than if a quarter of the pserver pop is using the botting and or hacks.

Again I didn’t say it didn’t exist, you’re just gonna notice it more on servers with a bigger population of players.

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They literally sell shadowmourne on warmane. One of the BEST pservers there is. They also sell gold. No different than a wow token. And the level boosts you can BUY. Are at MAX level and have BIS gear. You have no idea what you are talking about.

And heres the thing, who cares? Its ppl like you that just want something to whine about. All im doing is laughing at those idiots that think they are making a stand by “going to play on pservers”. Good for them.

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warmane is far from the best…

In before the kids start crying about the buff… the guild interface change though is weird. All other changes are good.


If they added this back in 2019 or at the tail end before TBC Classic. MoS would have been fine. It’s been 5 years however and it’s blatantly clear that the SoD changes bled through because one of the changes was Druids being able to use Polearms.

If it wasn’t for the fact that Druids can use Polearms, I think it would be believable that the change was intended. However it’s clear this wasn’t an intentional change.

The guild interface change honestly imo, is the least egregious of the changes. Or would have been if the default text was Green like how it is in retail.


Thanks for letting us know not to take anything you post seriously.


guild interface is way better

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Alliance needs more buffs for classic era PvE?

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Both are bad. This is not Sod or Cata.


uh Im pretty sure it should be the other way around. UI change does not in anyway affect the actual gameplay. Especially when we have almost every single “vanilla” player play with addons that butcher and change the UI for convenience. This debate is absolutely pointless all things considered.

However the actual gameplay tweaks here IS antithetical to the purpose of having a vanilla era WoW, because people wanted to play with the balance that was presented in vanilla WoW’s final patch. Thats the only argument that I do believe is very plausible here for cause of distress and anger, UI however…thats stupid. Nobody cares, or better yet, nobody SHOULD care, because its hypocritical to even be angry at this when all of us play with addons because we all know that base vanilla WoW’s UI isnt acceptable.

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By far one of the best QOL changes added to Classic. You can go back and read the unread guild chats and can view the roster way easier.


My take on MoS is that Horde didn’t have a ton of compelling reasons to be Horde over Alliance. Now they have one less… which we didn’t really ask for.

Kinda a bummer.

The only people who are upset with the changes are the No Changes mob and the Horde.

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Hey if you want retail go play let others enjoy classic as it was. Flaws and all


I’ve been NoChanges since I signed the Nost petition but have made my peace with SomeChanges. MoS is the same as Hunters being able to benefit from DM buffs, in my eyes.

The Guild UI changes are out of pure laziness tho.

The bugs that bleed SoD/Classic(non-Era) changes into Era are par for the course when dealing with the Blizzard patch cycle.