Awful Era changes

It’s the “slippery slope” thing- I am familair with Blizzard’s work. Today it’s a guild UI and Druids using polearms, tomorrow its changes to talent trees.


im fine if they add changes to era. But up until now, many were just bugs that took a month to revert. The only major item to hit era as a feature that was a previous seasonal, was honor system changes done during SoM. And that was fine because two things

  • PvP honor system was historically a pain point. It’s still a pain point, but it did remove the need to form complicated ranking parties and bot boosting services.
  • And it was a feature in SoM that was only added to era once SoM concluded, meaning the community had alot of time to digest the change and suggest it to be added.

Aside from that, sneaking in changes that the ERA community has no chance to review in full, is not good.


We will have to continue to disagree then. The new UI is just more functional and user friendly than the old one. More of a guild hub and less of a list of who is online, friends lists do that already imo. Either way, we disagree and that’s fine.

Which is a fallacy for a reason.


play retail

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In before wow token


This is the same crap I read in the retail forums roughly when WoD was tragically incomplete and bad, and that bad attitude resulted in Retail going from “Very healthy” to “Very dead”.

If you’re curious about how dead, well when Classic 2019 shipped the WoW subscriber count was increased by 3X if that’s any indication of how badly retail is doing, and it’s only gotten worse since that time.


Tell that to Cata.


Complaining about the UI change is peak wowbillyism.

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It’s in the Bug Report area for Classic under the name “[ERA] Original Lock Pets Missing”

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You got what you paid for, it is a subscription, so if you dont want to pay for it anymore you can stop. Doesnt mean classic has to stay one way or another, when it is clearly not doing well.

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It is peak “i only play era, because i legit can´t do anything else anymore”.

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  1. These are bugs afaik still, they havent confirmed it as being purposefull.

  2. The game launched with multiple servers cause some odd 5+ years ago people actually played era, now they dont, so they are doing the thing that takes the least work, which is to not change all the empty servers into a few medium servers.

  3. Server capacity doesnt work the way you think it does, so please dont talk about it lol. You can have server capacity that is split across loads of services and fluctuates as need arises.

  4. The forums is not Era´s community, i genuinly think that most of era´s remaining playerbase on alliance is absolutely fine with getting a legitimate way to get rend instead of the unfair and dumb way it worked before, a few level 10-40 forum alts with no raids done or experience to showcase, is certainly not representative of the era community left lol.

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100% not to mention its simple, and doesn’t take up 65% of your entire screen.


Ummm both factions on my cluster were raging about it in game. They were holding in game protests over it and spamming the feedback option to express their displeasure.

People who are fine with this change appear to be in a minority on the forums as well.


I like how it’s their preference but your preference is objectively right because it came from you lmao


Are the in game protests in the room with us now? Idk about the horde side but Alliance side on Whitemane and Thunderfury, were more than excited about the buff, and paladins were excited about the 3 second mount rune. Every once in a while I saw a complaint about the guild tab being too big.


Its plenty obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes these changes (and host of bugs that come with them) are not popular and not the direction Era mains want to be going. Downplay it all you want.


I haven’t encountered a bug yet. And again with my pair of eyes I witnessed no “protests” or anything that you apparently witnessed. Alliance was more than happy about the changes. The only place i’ve witnessed and overwhelming amount of hate towards these changes is the forums, but we both know that if they added a second mailbox closer to the auction house, people would complain.


I very much doubt that my guy

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Please specify, my guy.

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