Awful Era changes

Clearly it was not the intention of Blizz to have SoD intended changes bleed over into Era. One has already responded to the Warlock issues. Hopefully they continue to fix/rollback other unintended-for-Era items.

This is the reality in being paired with other ‘whimsical’ based versions of WoW unfortunately.


Could you link that please?

#BringBackBatching 150ms or bust


its not, they have patched the terrain in various ways that is not talked about in any patch notes. I

True i been saying this since the boon was added. This game has been downhill… I personally quit when they added the boon, but now seeing they added the alli rend buff?? how dare they make me not MC cap myself in the barrens every week. Also not allow me to do logout skips in caves


We fought so hard to get classic and it was clear that Blizzard did not want to give it to us. We finally get what we want and they change it without no rhyme or reason or with any kind of input from the community. Blizzard, you are a horrible company and I will give you no more of my money!


Everything is on the same framework, the runes were an accident/mistake due to this.
Calm down, I swear era players contain too many people who get all twisted over a pixel being moved slightly to the left.

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How is it a mistake when there is a blue post stating that the changes were made? They did it on purpose!

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TBF I rarely look above the active posts for anything since this forum only has activity when there is something to complain about. Edited my initial post to correct my error.

My other points still stand.

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Well it is a clearly pinned blue post that explains the changes. They meant to do it because Blizzard never wanted to give us classic and now that we have it, the foam at the mouth to get rid of it.

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Yup, adding a buff and a better GUI system. Likely since everything in on the retail framework and that new UI works better mechanically.

I don’t care about WB’s so that part is a non-issue to me.

And the tin foil hat comes out to prove my point about parts of the era player base.

After someone screetched at me over the insanely innocuous change to FB I don’t take any of the complaint seriously anymore. The game is still the base World of Warcraft, that’s what was promised.

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Even if the new main-menu was better (just because of search feature) it was a downgrade to era.

The guild-menu is worse in every way.


Your preference for sure but it is overwhelmingly a better UI than the old one in just about everyway. You dislike it because function and utility in UI systems is not “part of era” apparently.


We don’t want the changes! We play the classic era because that is what we want
And a hater of the era commenting about how they don’t think its a big deal, just shows the difference between the player bases!


Do you play era? i assume no so why are you telling people who do what they should want, like and tolerate?


Because it is incoherent, in the exact fashion of retail too.

Why is it when I go to guild tab, where i go to see people in guild, most of the screen is taken up by chat history?

If I wanted guild chat history, I can just make a chat tab that is guild-only. Now I am forced to have this annoyance, whereas the main function the guild tab has been moved to the side in a much less aesthetically pleasing way.

Oh to double the ridiculousness, it separates the guild tab from the friend tab… Like if I am looking for someone for a group I have to look in two separate places now.

It is designed for the single-player-retail-experience not vanilla it should be remove asap. And they should also roll back the retail main menu, that is equally gross seeing that it made them comfortable pushing other retail trash into era.

From design to function that UI is a fail.


Been here since 08 love WoW, i’m just not unreasonable over things that change one window of the game. Take your ad hominem elsewhere.

I do, and that is not at all what I am doing lmao. I only said my piece on it and why I though it wasn’t a big deal. Being a bit defensive.

So my statement you quoted stands.

In your opinion. It is legitimately better in everyway.


Do you think retail is a better game than vanilla?

I enjoy all the versions of WoW (except plunderstorm). I find Era and Dragonflight to almost be two entirely different games at this point. There are bits from both I enjoy and bits I do not. I probably lean more towards Era and the pre graphical update expansions.

Guild UI and world buff are meaningless changes to me. Now, if we start seeing model changes ala DF and talent trees expanded beyond what they were in 1-60 ill be right there mad and in arms with you. But this aint it fam. Not the hill to pick.


I’m not really picking any hill, just stating that the UI is ugly and the previous one was better.

It is subjective in the end, but I think we are talking about different categories. Retail, including this menu, is basic and average, mundane. This menu specifically leans on the worse side of things as it is quite bad.

Now Vanilla is a work of art.

This is like building an apartment complex next to a historical mansion. Get that ugly, modern, soulless, trash out of there and let the beauty that is remain.

If you can’t make something better don’t touch it. This is hinting at a lack of vision in development, how can someone seriously think this will improve the experience of Era players.