Awful Era changes

Sounds pretty game breaking, I wouldnt want too many game changes now, it is Era after all.


No offence I donā€™t think anyone cares if you cancel

You donā€™t have to post it in the forums if you want to quit just quit ?
No need to announce it


Posting from a level 10 character on Deviate Delight. Do you even play Classic?

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Thunderfury* Yes, I play on era servers.


Iā€™ll gladly buy another sub in his place.


Seem to trigger some blizz fanboys


This thread is full of people butthurt over a UI.


Dude if thats how you feel go play retail, classic isnt your cup of tea


sure you wont lol. 2 posts in 24 hours shilling, GL with that, i cancelled, so show us your receipt when you buy that extra sub scrub.


Ahh youre here to troll got it


No offence but i dont think anyone cares either way, your post or mine, but since your here, you like the changes?


Havenā€™t bought an expansion since BFA, Classic IS my cup of tea.


This is priceless coming from a nobody whom hides behind a forum alt!


ā€œi am not from the US so i cant link an eu char.ā€œ

I donā€™t think you read it all the way throughā€¦


Still donā€™t know if it was intended or not
But Iā€™m not jumping to conclusions
Saying Iā€™m going to unsubscribe etc.

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So why add updates to the service, isnā€™t that more work? Literally just leave it alone and consolidate all players to 4 servers if they really want to (PvE, PvP, RP, and RPPvP). Theyā€™re paying for 20 or so empty servers that donā€™t need to exist but adding more content that the community isnā€™t asking for isnā€™t a solution.


have u heard of the new world of warcraft update that destroy the game

can someone explain why the ally rend buff is so bad?

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Sure. Itā€™s bad because it is yet another small change to what should be a permanently-stuck-in-time version of WoW. The premise of Era is to preserve the OG game in its final state. So adding changes goes against the premise.

Where do you draw the line? Chronoboons? UI changes? QoL changes? Buff neutrality/equity? PvP system? Class balance? Race balance? Guild banks? New content? You get the idea. Itā€™s a slippery slope. Iā€™d argue that on its own, giving ally the buff isnā€™t really bad. But Iā€™d also argue that thereā€™s just no need to change anything in Era (too late ship sailed, i know). I also donā€™t think this buff was intended for era anyways and will likely be fixed to remove it.

IMOā€¦ thereā€™s no need to change anything with era. In my perfect world we wouldnā€™t have any of the changes like PvP system, spell batching, boons, etc. will I use them if theyā€™re here? Sure will. But Iā€™d rather them preserve the imperfect game of vanilla wow than try to tune it. It doesnā€™t ā€œneedā€ changes, or to be finely tuned, or polished up.

So why is it bad if Iā€™ll openly use the bad buff, and admit on its own itā€™s really not bad? Itā€™s the lack of trust for blizzard to draw the line and thread that needle perfectly. Eventually, over the years, and after a series of small changes, weā€™ll be left with a game that doesnā€™t feel like vanilla wow. Some would already argue weā€™ve crossed that line with boons, batching, PvP overhaul, client/ui changes etc.

Iā€™d rather they just leave it alone and stop mucking with it. But again, Im not convinced the new buff was meant to be here. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if we did intentionally get a new guild UI though.


Same. I spent a couple of years defending Blizz saying they at least delivered on their promise with permanent Era servers but it feels like thats over with now.

Ive been leaning this way since the pvp changes and was worried at the time they were going to keep altering the game and lo and behold they just cant help themselves. Era players are 3rd class citizens to them. Ah well.