Awful Era changes

Damage control posing as “forum moderation”

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What the absolute f*ck is wrong with these devs.

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I did and so did my entire guild. We’re all on a private server now. Unsubbed. Just waiting around for sub to run out. What’s next for Classic? WoW tokens? Level boosts? RDF and LFR? That is what is coming up soon, that’s why me and all my friends are gone for good. I shall never ever play this game in any form for as long as a live. Classic was destroyed. It always starts with one change, then another, then another. Will we have Pet battles in next? Will we have Evokers coming soon? If we just got a UI that didnt even come into the game until just recently, then the chance of what I just said happening seems very likely.

No SCIII from this company and no more Classic, Diablo is now a joke. There’s nothing left on Blizzards end. Wouldn’t be too surprised if Microsoft doesn’t just outright close this company as a whole and call it a day. I’m done. Lots of others are as well now. Masai has a point. All we wanted was Classic and they took that away from us. You seem never to have been there, so it has zero meaning to you.

Got to say, in recent years, no one has been better for the private server business than Blizzard.

Company sucks. I’m done. Truly pissed. Big time. I WILL play Classic, be it private servers or Blizzard owned, I’m doing it.

Yea I’m not sticking around for WoW tokens and level boosts that are coming soon quite obviously. If they did this, then they will do that. This is not a Blizzard company anymore. You people keep forgetting that. I am going to play a version of WoW that caps at level 60 and that does not have any retail themes in it. That is now no longer possible to do on any Blizzard made service now.

Oh and btw…they changed a lot more than just the guild UI. Shows how little you people actually play Classic if you think that is the only change, they made, they also said, more changes are coming soon. So me and my entire guild that I was in and my Discord community. All gone.


Unreal. Blizzard is really locking posts now? :clown_face:


idc at this point blizzard devs just suck at their job with egos. they don’t even play their own games


I had a thread deleted saying it wouldn’t stop at these changes lol.


Yeah I think your going a bit excessive
I do understand where you are coming from
Anyway Gl to you

I disagree, in fact Blizzard made the specific promise in 2021:

“As mentioned during the BlizzConline [Deep Dive Panel] for Burning Crusade Classic, with the pre-expansion patch, players will be provided the option to play their character on the new Classic era realm just as it was as of the last day before the patch or continue on into Burning Crusade Classic.”

No changes is not only sustainable but was the premise for ERA being here.


Ion himself promised that 2 kazzaks wouldnt spawn on a server before classic came out, that pomise was broken by phase 2.

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I mean like blizzard said all classic players want is easy mode to eat and drink while raiding

Good grief. I’m not a fan of the recent changes, but this is pure hyperbole. I don’t see where there’s any room for level boosts in Era. Historically they are used to catchup to new expansions, which Era isn’t.

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Because some people didn’t play in 2019 and played other classic versions after and are now afraid to return to Era because everyone is so powerful and the big bad GDKPs are going to bully them.

So for $89.99 you can get the AQ40 starter pack and for $129.99 you can get a full naxx-attuned toon with epic mount, pvp set, and pve naxx-prebis ready to enter raids and enjoy azeroth for all it has to offer.



pretty terrible

dont know what theyre thinking


Thanks for sharing.
Please sign if u wonna keep era safe from blizzards daft changes.


They assume that they are now safe to do anything now because they are owned by Microsoft and so therefore can’t go bankrupt and lose everything…that’s what they think now.

As soon as Microsoft took full control over Halo they allowed you to be able to buy the Hayabusa set including sword. When before you had to earn it all. In order to get that all unlocked the very first time it came out, you needed every single Skull in the game, you needed to get every single achievement in exitance in the game and you needed to get a gamer score of over 1,000.

So them doing that means they will have us able to buy stuff like Scarab Lord and High Warlord and Gladiator soon. It’s about the same grind and just as difficult so no reason why they wouldn’t.


I mean the devs constantly lie.


this had an adverse effect on my small guild. no one thought it was a real change. a few people quit after finding out this change was permanent and then a couple more quit because the other people quit.

none of them have logged in since the wed maintenance they thought was going to fix it. all i got left is the guild chat of them raging and quitting.

i think if blizz was upfront about this alot of this could have been avoided.


Vanilla wow is something extraordinary. My characters and achievements that currently exist in era are priceless to me. The 2019 launch of classic wow and snapshot of era that followed will forever be a significant chapter in my degenerate life. I am not here in favor of #nochanges; in fact I believe many of the changes made to the game since Era launched in 2019 have been amazing. Chronoboons are the headliner.

Blizzard needed only to keep classic era untouched and I would stay subbed forever. I looked passed every bug introduced to the game with every single update to SoD. I waved my hand at every consequence forced upon the era client as classic changed through TBC, WotLK, and now Cata. I could list qualms but nothing fundamentally ruined the game (for me).

I cannot fathom how patch 1.15.3 came to exist. The only answer reasonable to me is that it was a mistake born from poor management of dispassionate developers and solidified by refusal to acknowledge that it is not intentional. None of the changes in this patch are, individually, ruinous to the game in my opinion; however, when they are all presented together in the form of a casual unannounced and unpolled patch, it is a clear sign to me that the developers holding the code of this game in their hands cannot be trusted, and either their own incompetence or that of their administrators will burn this game to the ground in a matter of time.

Let me count the ways this Patch Nobody Asked For tips classic era over the cliff:

The removal of rend+ony cooldown breaks the structure of buffing; the ability to set a 3 or 6 hour timer and walk away from the game without fear of missing a buff now no longer exists. Mud hut dwellers would previously hold their heads to drop after the cooldown is up, which is when people would log in to receive it. With these changes, buffing will be random and unpredictable. The future will be dropping every buff after every naxx to rebuff all the participants who would otherwise be forced to sit logged in waiting for what might be hours to get their rend/dragonslayer at some unknowable time. This is a downgrade from the 3/6 hour cooldowns. I can wave my hand at the 8 hour cooldown on nef that existed in 2019 being removed in SoM; removing all three cooldowns goes too far. I can see this change being a band-aid QoL convience for the quick burn of SoD but it harms the sustainability of classic era buffing, and that’s one point on the board for why I believe this was intended to be a SoD-exclusive that was incompetently and mistakenly forced upon era.

Changing Songflower and Tribute buffs to become undispellable prevents the possibility of having them PvP’d away (griefed) by naked priests of the opposite faction lurking in ghost form. I speak as a PvE hero who has had many buffs stripped from my several warriors over the many years: buff griefing feels bad but the freedom for it to exist is an essential part of this game’s beauty. I play classic era because I think retail is a hot pile of garbage. This change seems small and insignificant and may even placate one or two casual tourists of classic era who recently had their buffs dispelled-- all it is to me is one tiny step towards making era more like retail. I imagine this is the type of change that appeals to the SoD players and is point two on the board for the accidental SoD miscarriage.

Might of Stormwind. This is the big one. If I were reading the features of a private server and eventually came to the line that describes this buff, reading about it would singlehandedly be enough for me to consider that server distinctively a perverse and distastefully spicey mutation of vanilla wow rather than an accurate representation. There is no excuse for placing this buff in classic. Any possibility of trusting that the features of patch 1.15.3 are anything except a half-baked SoD experiment that escaped from its enclosure and accidentally flopped into era disappears with this buff. Maybe that’s just me. I would pray that protecting the integrity of this game over the conveniences of easy accessibility transcend faction rivalries and every classic player who truly loves this game should agree that the introduction of this buff is a sharp turn into very deep waters which none of us want to tread. Protecting the Warchief’s Sun Buff from the Thieves of Blue who climb our walls is part of the game. Infiltrating a hostile land and working together with other players in convoluted rituals for a precious yet fragile buff is part of the game. Adding Might of Stormwind does not make our game grow. The game actually shrinks.

I can live with druid polearms

Removing the logout dungeon reset trick only hurts real players, not botters

In conclusion, I’m a degenerate who plays this game more than I work. I believe my knowledge and experience with this game is extraordinary. I admire my classic wow account and have been carefully chiseling it for the past five years like a work of art. If the developers continue down this path, I will unsub. At the end of the day that means nothing to Blizzard nor the community of era as a whole, but I do truly believe that the developers are steering this plane into a nosedive. If there is event the smallest chance that anyone with power over classic era is reading this post, please, I truly beseech you as someone who loves this game far more than any reasonable person should-- please turn us back around


Amen. Devs, Kaivax - this. Please consider removing the recent changes. I and many of my friends are all talking about whether we can continue playing Classic Era after what we experienced this week. It’s a real possibility that subscription revenue will be lost, long term subscription revenue.