Awful Era changes

It was probably their intent yes to make it proc. But “on hit” procs don’t work.

Its only HoJ and that’s because its “on melee hit”

Heart of Wyrmthalak, and Darkmon Card: Maelstrom also proc in form similarly.

Might have something to do with “strikes your melee target”

Not trying to be rude or anything. Just think that’s why those work with kitty. I didn’t play kitty but I always heard they had issues with “On hit”.

If the proc works on the weapons it wouldn’t be to bad. Would have to SIM though and see if its better then Pummeler. I’m sure on trash it will be just to not use charges but idk about short fights.

There must be some rationales that alliance did not get Rend buff years ago, and I support the reasons blindly.
Why? because from many perspectives, wow classic is better designed than today’s game. It was designed by designers who know what gaming experience is. I can not say today’s designers are on par with that. Techniques can advance, but designing mindset may not, just like good old books.


I like how they’re locking all the complaint threads and merging them with this “we love the changes” thread full of posts by Aggrend and Kaivaxs’ alts


They’re cleaning up spammed duplicate threads. Nothing more. Happens in every forum when people freak out and post unique threads when there are already a plethora of them up already.

Happened with RDF in wrath, happened just this week with GDKP spam threads in the SoD forums. This isn’t targeted, its basic forum moderation.

I expect to be insulted in your reply or met with incredulity. Carry on.


Wish granted.
Asma winks slyly at you.

Because world buffs were killed anyways in TBC so there was no reason to bother with it.

If nothing else it means they’re at least somewhat reading them!


hit you with that double eye wink, one after the other. Will be sad to see you around here less TBH.

I am going to let you have this one as legit hope they are. I wouldn’t hold your breath though imo, likely these are permanent changes. Though it could help them be less sudden about these in the future IF they have to do more.

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You should know me well enough by now to know that I said that with heavy sarcasm, lol.

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I know lmao, more so posting my own view in response.


You might be the unicorn there.
But I appreciate it.

The consolidation does happen but is a little eye opening when the comment time switches from minutes ago to the following one made days or weeks ago. But I don’t always notice and still manage to get caught by the evil necromancers among us.

I’m still not surprised about the series of changes. Many of them I see as unnecessary and unwanted. My main disappointment concerns the unwillingness of the Classic team to communicate on any platform with us in a consistently honest way. Going to the trouble to explain:
*how various data sets are created for each ruleset (seasonal, HC, etc) with the base being Era, then
*how they go to the trouble to ensure those additional permissions are “hidden” for Era so unintentional alterations do not occur in Era
was done so we could guess that if things changed in Era it was intended? So Blizzard gaming now means never having to say you’re"sorry"?

Yeah people would have still been upset if Blizzard communicated their intentions upfront. But to let it play out this way and string players along into believing that it was an oversight by giving the silent treatment was pretty sad.
Just my two copper.


The lack of clear communication is something you have my agreement on 100%.

Or at least something along the lines of “to make the game run on the framework these changes needed to be made”.

The changes themselves are, without rehashing, some what of a non-issue, things people likely would have been fine with in 2008 prior to TBC, just late additions in my mind.

I can appreciate the annoyance over the lack of communication though, that should be a much bigger blue post than it is, missing reasonings. Granted they don’t technically “owe” us one, but they’d be nice to have.


It’s like you want me to insult you to confirm your idea that people who don’t agree with all Blizzards decisions are nasty rude people. Not happening. You spend far more time here than me so you would know more about forum moderation than I. It does seem strange that the older longer anti change threads got merged into this pro change thread but who knows??
Carry on

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man i loved that sitting in the walls of org game play…
absolutely thrilling…

likely it was currently the most active. No need for tinfoil for basic and published forum moderation rules.

Also generally in the past when this is pointed out I get called a shill, so you skirted that line a bit but w/e.

Nah, that isn’t what my idea is. My point is that even a small nothing change will upset the vocal remainder of the Era forum base. Era players will be the ones to end Era, not blizzard.

I don’t agree with all their decisions but I also don’t think druids with polearms, a more user friendly G ui or a equitable alliance WB is something to freak out over.

If you read up you can see where I would freak out about changes and be right up in arms with the rest of you. (I think that was in this thread?)

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And since you skirted the line with tinfoil we’ll call that a draw. I do think it’s a big deal and that’s my opinion as I’ve always been no changes despite the few changes already made that we’ve had to accept. My lock would have loved Salv on horde but I wouldn’t be happy if she got it and would have expressed that here as well.
Anyway have a nice day

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This type of change is much different than what has happened. I would also be upset by that.

No changes is just not sustainable with the modern framework running an older game, the bugs and issues with each season have shown this. SOME changes will have to be made to keep the game playable.

Same to you, legit.

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Also, change my warlock pet names back to their original names (multiple got changed as a result of this patch), that would be great.