Awful Era changes

The only bad thing added in the 1.15.3 patch was the logout skip being removed. Everything else was fine and does not hurt my gameplay at all.

Blizzard, are you reading this?


There’s a reason why I’m now a #nochanges person even though that wasn’t always the case.

I don’t trust this dev team to make the right calls. The people who asked for legacy servers at the start had the #nochanges attitude for a reason.

Yes, this was all bleed over from SoD. There wasn’t time to “hide” the stuff from Era so it was masked as “Era features”. I’m sure that for every announced change there are 3 unannounced ones too.

Era should be on its own client, hardcore can be there too since that does just involve toggles. Then leave the game alone unless it’s for security patches that don’t actually change anything.

The only good thing I see here is a ton of pushback from the Era community this time so maybe Blizzard will revert some things or thing twice about future changes, but I just keep seeing people that I like quit (once again) so I might be done too. Keep up the good fight and don’t feel like you’ve lost everything if you do walk away, you had the good times with the memories to keep and that can’t be taken away.


guys blizzard they really dont care about ur opinion on this forums, they only check X or Twitter they really dont care about they really making changes in our fav game just because they think is better and they dont listen or heard us

This is a rather impactful change that, like all the others, nobody asked for. I hope you finished your HoJ farm before the patch!

(I didn’t :cry:)


A few minor changes and the crying starts as usual. I’m looking at this whole thing as a ++. Reasonable quality of life improvement and less purists. Maybe now we can move on to fixing the Talent Trees and Removing the Debuf Limit. In so doing making the game less rigid and more entertaining to play. You purity police know where the door is at yes?

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Yep, everything should be changed, and when you’re the only one left standing there as others have moved onto the other variants of WoW already packed with changes, you’ll only have yourself to blame, but I doubt that realization will ever come.


Only you said “everything should be changed”. What I’m saying is there are minor adjustments that still need to be made that allows the player to be far more creative with Class and Talents when Raiding. Debuf limit should have never been a thing in the first place. I’d have never personally asked for Rend Buff but it isn’t hurting anybody including you.

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these aint even the first changes in era, why are you crying now?

i dont have to spend my life out in the barrens getting backfires on multiple chars now, ill miss dodging the pvp but ive never got got at wcb so still nothing lost…

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I’m a no changes guy as well. A lot of us are here for nostalgia and playing a game that is challenging and endless as it is. We don’t need QOL, feature, UI, balance, etc changes. We like the game and are playing it in it’s current iteration. Please consider rolling back this patch and going hands off in the future. Also, why isn’t SOD partitioned from classic? The point of SOD was to be different and experiment in game breaking ways. Isn’t that the use case for a partition? Do better or do nothing please.


amen, vanilla classic era is our haven


There are reasons to push back against changes, no matter how small. As long as you realize that it’s not the first change that should have been pushed back against with Blizzard’s “balance” lust.

Small changes end up as mountains, over time.

I’m actually really glad that people who haven’t historically taken a stance are rightfully doing so.


I’ve seen this quoted elsewhere, and I think it’s worth quoting here.


Kinda annoyed seeing these so called “my friends” arguments that goes into a threat of “unsubbing”… Its like every other comment has this statement and its been this way since the chronoboon update… yet here we are, still going.

We’ll live without your loud minority threats. This isnt what they care about, if they cared about subs they wouldn’t allow you to buy gametime with retail gold lol.

So do us all a favor and tuck your tails in-between your legs and waddle your butts right on out with the unsub button. It doesn’t hurt blizz in the slightest. It just hurts the community. So try to think before making baseless threats.

The only thing challenging in vanilla is the iQ of other players…

I’d very much like to see a top naxx guild from era complete CE in retail these days. If we are to compare what challenging really is lol

You’re mostly right here - alo you forgot the guild and social UI changes - but there’s one big error in your title. It should read: Patch 1.15.3 is the latest step towards running Era to the ground.


They don’t listen to forums but they will listen to peoples wallets when people unsub.


ngl, loved the changes to era.
Keep them coming.


They are. They’ll just never admit it.


Removing the debuff limit would actually be lit.


A Shadow Priest

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