Awful Era changes

Needs to be deleted


Takes away from the game as a whole because in an mmo–RPG, handy easy to get stuff is antithetical to the game living long term.

This is but one of many reasons why retail is trash.


the poor alliance needed more buffs cause OP paladins just isn’t enough :frowning:

I like how Allaince can Boon the buff and get another one sorry horde only one buff for you!!!

“The 6-hour wait between applications of Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer and Warchief’s Blessing has been reduced to 1 minute.”
Man, it’s like reading patch notes is a thing.

This is stupid though since that makes it an outlier of a WB.

Why? Assuming it was intentional, there’s a massive difference between adding a new WB for Alliance so it’s less of a headache for Alliance to get it via the Horde and adding a whole new vendor that just gives out WBs.

Removes the summoning/capper interactions. Removes potential pvp. Just removes emergent gameplay.

You would think they learned from SoM that the inconvenient things that spawn player made solutions is part of the charm of vanilla wow. Instead they just watered the game down for convenience.


Yeah I didn’t see they had posted patch notes while I was raiding last night. I had looked periodically thru the day before then. My post was way after my last check. I have noted this in my original post.

As for the change, I’m unsure of the long term effect this will have.

In general the OG Era players (Pre-2023) liked having wb’s dropping on a coordinated schedule. They’d come home from work, take care of the family and home items, log in, be part of a coordinated WB train, log back out, take care of more family/home business, and then log back in at raid time.

One of the aspects that contributed to our community building.

WB vendor doesn’t result in ‘randomly waiting around to get your wb’s’. So more conducive for mom and dad gamers specifically.

It basically stops both wb bot farmers (DMT) and wb griefers cold cuz he’s in town where you can deflag and boon safely.

  • At the time (pre 2023), we only had a handful or less of actual wb griefers and even less bots, like none! They were on SoM. It was like 5 people who wb griefed. Unfortunately their numbers (both bots and griefers) sky-rocketed with the 2023 pop boom coinciding with ‘grief videos in era or hc’ for views… Like it became an unsustainable thing vs not a thing, and ‘gold buying fever’ which brought the bots en masse.

For the record, very early on in Era when there was some communication between players and devs. Most of us didn’t want the vendor, we just wanted WB quests to be REPEATABLE FOR THE BUFF. We asked for this option repeatedly.

  • Reason being, this was the least disruptful option to the game and if anything gave more reason to re-do content and give it sustainability.
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horde chuds: 0
ALLIANCE CHADS: 10000000000

WE CANT STOP WINNING ALLIANCE BROS :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Adding this in has made me really happy because of the amount of work I had to do to get WCB. In order for me to get for each raid I sub 4 accounts so I can summon myself and I leveled 2 priests horde side to 60 because if you level 1 why not 2. I did a level 60 priest because I don’t like the backfires, which normally isn’t an issue because you could just get another, but I don’t have a lot of free time to constantly being buff hunting and it always made me feel bad if I couldn’t get the buff for raid. I am an extreme case, and I do all this for me so I can raid and have fun. I am saying this only to share a story.

Them doing this allows me to play the game more and can lead to less burnout for players like me, which keeps classic wow going.

To me this is pretty simple for those that don’t like it. Just click the buff off and don’t bother getting it. And if you still want WCB you can do it the old way like before.

This change, to me, is minor in comparison to the others like spell batching, and the biggest one of all Cronoboons, which has directly effected how guilds raid and how they progress. You can wipe and wipe and wipe until you think you got the rotation down, then pop boons and get. Without boons I believe guilds we would see more guilds fall apart because they would progress too slow for people, but with boons it lets you get the kill get the gear which makes the next time easier.

I understand that we all have different breaking points to certain changes. I do too. I will keep on playing until that point.

I welcome this change.

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And again, all of this is unnecessary if era’s goal is to preserve the spirit of vanilla, faction differences and all.

Alliance weren’t able to get WCB because they were never supposed to get it. It was supposed to be a nice single buff that horde players could get for killing Rend, and it was nice because Blizzard still allowed alliance players to get it in classic if they were willing to put in the work.

Saying your okay with this change because it makes your life easier is equivalent to saying you have a problem with vanilla’s unbalanced nature. You call this a small change, but it’s just another way of homogenizing the game. They might as well add tauren paladins and dwarf shamans at this point, since both factions could use kings and wf respectively, and delete racials from the game because the imbalance isn’t fair.


Absolutely agree here. It was a good thing that Horde had a buff that Alliance didn’t. I honestly have a sneaking suspicion (completely based on nothing other than pure gut feeling and no actual fact) that Horde has more DPS potential than Alliance, but Alliance is just easier on account of Salv.

Either way, whether or not that gut feeling has anything to it, it was still interesting that the factions were different. This change takes that away from Horde and gives nothing back… and I don’t even want Blizzard to give anything back to Horde. It’s just a bad change! Ugh…

I strongly dislike these new changes but I remain in support of Chonroboon. The reason I’ll never be #nochanges is simply because we, as a playerbase, need to be protected from ourselves. Pre-boon was a really toxic atmosphere of WB hoarding and detrimental gameplay. I know that dispel meta was a gameplay style that existed but it went too far… and the fact that post-boon increased the daily population by an order of magnitude is pretty significant.

So while I can get behind some changes, I do think Blizzard has a responsibility to make good choices and I think they failed in that responsibility here. We can debate Chronoboon but there is no debate for these recent changes. They just did not need to happen :frowning:

They should just make all those buffs unusable in a raid.

runs under desk to hide


Personally, I’m a big proponnent of just learning the mechanics and doing the fight, so I’d be mostly ok with this. I think all bosses in WoW are doable without world buffs, mosy because my OG Vanilla guild did almost all of them without world buff stacking and we were a bunch of absolute baddies by today’s standards!

However, one of the major things I like about Classic Era is that it’s accessible. I can play this game, and raid, with anybody I know. I mean, optimal rotation for a lot of classes is what, 2-3 buttons? This can’t be said for Retail… you actually have to have a pretty high level of play in order to tackle the game’s content beyond the most trivial difficulties and those demands only increase as you pursue further goals.

World buffs kind of offset any areas of Era raids where the demands start to get a bit higher. You’ve still gotta do those few basic mechanics that this game has for most of its boss fights, but having much higher health pools and damage output really puts you on easy mode. So less skilled groups can use this for a bit of extra progression or to push certain fights that they would not yet be able to kill without them.

Unfortunately though, I feel like they’ve had two unintended consequences…

  1. It can be a crutch that people are unwilling to try to move beyond.
  2. It has become a requirement, pushing people to have and manipulate world buffs even when they don’t really need them.

They had a thing in retail that was actually kinda cool. I can’t remember what it was called but the Inscription profession could make a thing that would give you a huge buff to a particular stat (versatility) for one boss and you could only use it once per week. It was a really great way to give yourself a boost for progression but in a targetted and limited way.

(Blizzard, if you’re reading this, don’t take this as a suggestion for Era >.<)

:rofl: :heart:

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Yes, same - we were baddies and we made it to BWL before TBC dropped. No BiS, no excessive buffs, just our noob selves, hope, & a prayer. Some of the best times I’ve ever had in this game!


You don’t exactly tend to be the nicest person to interact with on here, which I something I’m sure you know, but I suppose you’re right in how THAT wasn’t an attack.

Yes, I agree that the PVP change was a lot bigger than the guild ui one, but sometimes things that look little on the outside are just the final trigger for change for people who have been on the fence.


These forums get upset when Questie has an update ffs so i shouldnt be surprised people are losing their minds over a UI change.

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It is more than a UI change. Polearms to Druid? Ally Rend buff? Shaman’s can’t Elemental Mastery and get their double crit? You can drop Rend/Ony whenever you please now?

Be real, brother.


Yes, it’s as simple as the UI change, there’s nothing more to the concerns at all. :roll_eyes:

If you want to only think on the surface level so that you can troll the forums and laugh at people, because that’s peak entertainment for you, then you do you. I tried to be nice and explain it.


Questie is an addon - you can use it or not. UI is an integral part of the game, you cannot not use it. This makes a huge dfference for me. Optional “QoL” I’m OK with, not forced ones.


The only real change is the druids using polearms. That one i dont totally understand, but druids are really only good for healing, so the impact should be essentially nothing. Alliance already got rend whenever they wanted with pure ease, and people have been begging for CDs to be removed from ony and rend for a LONG time… (even though i kinda like the timer tbh)

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Look at vedorstirke on SoD the ilvl 71 version. It has feral stats (ap in form, and agl) added to it. It doesn’t say chance to strike melee targets, like Darkmoon Card: Maelstrom. But I am guessing the intent is for it to proc while in forms as well. Making it darn good feral weapon from MC. Why they didn’t just make it a staff instead of changing druids, to keep it from shaman maybe???

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