Awful Era changes

Yes, retail, with their dozens of world buffs…

How relevant of a comparison…

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Predicted what?

That a game company would update their game after 6 years?

Oh noooo.

Blizzard updated diablo 2 even 10-15 years later.

Get over it and touch some grass idk

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Early on after SoD’s announcement some posters were of the opinion that SoD changes would be put into Era and bugs would carry over. Then we got SoDs PvP changes which confirmed exactly that and then it was said even more changes and bugs would come. That happened too.

Pretty spot on imo.

The company’s whose stated goal was that it was never going to be changed (only if it was absolutely necessary) for the Era mains who sub for that precise reason. Also its not even 5 years yet. At least get something correct.

Whataboutism 101. Completely irrelevant.

I am over it. Uninstalled and everythang.

I usually mow the lawn on saturday afternoons so gimme another day. Id do it today but Im tired from responding to troll edgelords who run out retread parrot insults like they thought of them first.


Classic changing constantly wasn’t what we were offered either. It was said to be a “museum” piece. It’s like chipping away at the statue of David thinking you are making it better, when everyone loves it the way it is
Why add modern features. Players can get that experience in other modes if they desire.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying … “the straw that broke the camel’s back” or how about … “death by a thousand cuts” there’s no need to belittle how people feel.

Incorrect. I’m in two guilds on hardcore where subject is still being discussed. These guys don’t post on the foums. A lot of folks do not like it. While this change is not enough for me to unsub, the next or the time after that may.


What “sod pvp changes”… You mean the ranking changes they did back in SoM? LOL… you act like 1.14 with the major ranking update happened because of SoD… Kekw.

What a prediction… Oh hey what they did back in SoM they are gonna do again in SoD… woah really? You must be a genie!!!

doubt X. youll be here. youll never leave. Its been 5+ years you aint going anywhere.

Enjoy your tantrum while you can i suppose… getting you quite the engagement you seek.

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Looks like you got that covered.

Anymore retail DKs wanna weigh in?


Im not the one threatening to quit and crying about “sod pvp changes” that happened many months before SoD was even announced lol.

Can you point on the doll where SoD touched you?

You know they updated the client for classic 3-4 times at this point right? The only constant in life is change. Get over it.

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SoM closed in Feb of 2023. The PvP changes were announced in November 2023, the same month SoD was announced.

1.14.4 came out in August of 2023 but ok lol

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No. That the changes would keep coming to Era if the player base accepted things like the PVP update. Yes the one that happened originally pre-SoD.

Not sure why you decided to attack someone for being nice to me, I also don’t think my prediction was huge. It was as obvious to me as high heat and low humidity being factors in wildfires.

Some people just look outside and see a sunny day and don’t think beyond that. We had a heatwave here in 2021 that killed 600 people, and when the government sent out warnings a week ago to mention another heatwave there were people getting mad saying “it’s summer, we’ll survive it I’m sure! Why warn about that?”. I don’t think they even grasped that our 2021 heat wave was the deadliest natural disaster here in the last 300 years, and that warnings like this are there to help vulnerable people. They were just insulted because it’s been raining here and they like the sunshine.

So on the Era changes, to put it another way, it’s like a lego build with different bricks. Guild ui changes = a brick. If you focus on the brick it’s whatever, if you focus on how the changes to many bricks effect the entire build it is then that you realize that the build at the end looks totally different. I choose to focus on the build and how changing many bricks changes the build, you and many others just focus on the individual bricks.

Secondly, people will quit when they are at a certain breaking point. I’ll admit to being a forum addict but I’m not addicted to the game anymore, I’m here because I liquidated all my Cata gold and have tokens. Which maybe is ethically a question but I wouldn’t pay $15/month to post here. I tried SoD and didn’t like it and will never go back to the Cata servers. I’m not sure if I will play Era again that’s why I have yet to do the “I’m unsubbing” thing, although two of my accounts have been deactivated for a while due to hating server issues, I’m getting to where Eras build is too different to be fun too and am considering looking into pservers if I ever get the Vanilla itch again, which is something I’ve never in the past said.

As you are aware I know exactly why you are here, to troll because you are bored, and I typically leave you alone, but some of your takes I totally disagree with.


I didnt “attack” anyone lol. So replying and disagreeing is considered an “attack”. Got it.

Idk, i just get annoyed at people who cry over seriously minimal things. The pvp ranking change was MASSIVE. if youre still playing after that, then a simple guild UI change shouldnt be the straw that breaks the back.

people who go so over the top with drama just make me laugh so i feel the need to chime in… they aint going anywhere.

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WCB was one of many faction specific aspects of the game that made vanilla great, and even better was that alliance players could still get it if they went through the trouble to do so.

My question is where does this logic of “it’s only fair if we can have it too” end? Should we give every race a “racial ability” spell slot that lets you swap between every racial in the game on a 6 hour cd?


All it did was remove gameplay in favor of accessibility. This changes takes away from gameplay and adds nothing. Bad out of touch change.


Agreed. I really hope they remove it.


Funnily enough you will now see horde sneaking in SW to get the buff cause alliance will stop making horde alts to get rend.


Wbuffs were doomed from the start. Most WoW subscribers are PvEers. PvPers were overrepresented on pservers. Instead of BRM being a warzone to get into raid with buffs, players chose to raid log instead. So we go chronoboon. We’ve lost ground ever since.


The difference with this buff is it has no cd, unlike Rend.
You can also boon it and get it again, unlike Rend.

So it’s basically dropping like every 20 mins in SW on Era now.

If this was intentional for Era, which I don’t believe for a second, it would seem more prudent to add the WB vendor like they did in that big country out east and the Era PTR (when we had that).

EDIT: The above was posted before reading patch notes. Notes were released while I was raiding and otherwise occupied. I’m not used to ‘end of day’ patch notes after a major patch.


Doesn’t it just add something to alliance without taking anything away from horde?

Not seeing an issue.


Read my comment directly above yours. It’s literally not the same conditions.

Also, rend is part of a quest line for Ony for the horde.
For the alliance, you walk in, wack Rend, he drops a common item 1/raid and you turn that in, boom buff.

Edit: It’s now become “wanna go farm rend heads” for the alliance.