AV "premades" don't exist

What all these people who think ranking up take skill failed to mention is that back then you would fold if you didn’t get first cap or you lost at blacksmith.

No matter what faction you were if you lost those two things you instantly folded so you could get to the next game.

But we know that takes skill…/S


I thought it was the map?

Nah jk the alliance were easy to stomp.

I guess we will see because I think a lot of you are going to be exposed come TBC.

Most of you are going to be hard stuck in the 1800 bracket.

When time is the only real currency in a game, saving time is indeed skill.

Let’s see all these rank 14 players become gladiators.

let’s see them throw 18 hours a day in arena and see if they get anywhere.

They’ll spend 18 hours a day farming gold and buy arena carries.

What exactly does that do because if you buy
a carry everybody is going to know…

at the end of the day even if they buy the carry they still know they’re bad and that’s all that matters to me.

No one cares about prestige any more, it’s all about gear, as was completely demonstrated in Classic.

The vast majority of arena players will be PVErs with PVE goals.

And that’s fine but you don’t need to buy a carry to win ten games…

Even if you were to buy a carry you still wouldn’t climb rating so either way you’re going to be exposed as a sub 1800 player…

and prestiges may be gone for you but it’s not gone for a lot of people


True, and you are correct this was especially the case alliance side with how the AV premades were at the start. In general the higher the rank the more you got on the premades due to the bracket stuff. That often meant stuff like too many rogues and not enough healers as rogues are so good at solo PVP and thus world PVP honor grinding.

I know of at least one alliance on my server who was high ranked and stopped when the AV premades were done as they could not handle how WSG actually involved PVP so they refused to play it. You’d think they could handle WSG after world PVPing but nope…

It was a bit different for horde but the first HWL on my server got there by account sharing with 2 other people - so he was on 24 hours a day and all day was spent AVing and world PVPing. He was known for account sharing not skill. To be fair even in Vanilla this was a common way to rank.

Once WSG and later AB became more of a thing if you could get into a premade that beat other premades you’d do better though. I really enjoyed playing with my horde premades. The competition against similarly skilled teams was quite fun. We’d obviously run into some that were better than us at times as well go against some ally teams (mostly from PVE servers TBH) that would just throw the games. Most days we’d lose like one or two WSG games and the majority were against other premades.

Anyway, my point was not to say that ranking was ever more about skill than time as time was always the biggest factor, but just to say that when you’re farming everyone including other premades it’s much better HPH overall, and also typically if you are absolutely terrible a team will not want you.

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All I know is is there was plenty of people who solo ranked and hit rank 14.

Pshero hit rank 14 without even going into battlegrounds he just played all day.

so even people who are bad as long as they play all day they are fine they will always get rank 14

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Well, I’ve agreed over and over that ranking in Classic is more time than skill. I just also said that if you got on a good premade that could beat other premades it was easier to rank.

I don’t really follow streamers so I don’t know much about Pshero but I can say that on my server getting rank 14 from world PVP alone would have been nearly impossible. AV and world PVP yes, as I said the first HWL on my server account shared. 3 people were playing that character and they were on 24/7 and that’s how he hit 14 first.

Pshero did it off world PVP solo.

If someone is selling carries that necessarily implies that more skill is involved than in vanilla since you don’t need anyone skilled in a premade to rank you just need to throw games vs another premade and then farm pugs.

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Imagine being a rank 14 player and you have to buy arena carries…


The fact that you can actually sell carries in Arena by definition means it takes more skill than Ranking.

Also it basically means you are winning games with 1 less player against similar grouped players, which is obviously skillful



Who is your hunter in the 59 bracket?

UPDATE: Last night I indeed found someone in AV advertising a “small premade” discord.

But when I joined there was a female dominating the voice chat talking about her cat. She said her cat goes inside & outside her home too much & it annoyed her how indecisive the cat was.

Yep, premade.


Just think that’s the lady horde are losing too.



Umm… Bodicca?