AV "premades" don't exist

Here is a proof for you :

It’s very easy for alliances to organize and “synce” AV since alliance has instant queue. Hence it’s a clear advantage over the opposite team.

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This is just stupid. My lvl 59 hunter got to r12 mostly by queuing AV. I’m no twink either - running around in greens and quest gear.

I was planning on getting to r14 before hitting 60 and could have done it just fine if real life time constraints hadn’t kicked in.

R14 is NOTHING but time. That’s it.

Getting in discord after you zone in is NOT a premade.

It’s what follows after that…are you that dull?


What follows?? People talking in discord? Horde can do that too. Anyone can do that. That’s not a premade.

You’re obviously not capable of reading.

It’s months after phase 6 there’s barely ANYONE still trying to rank which is why they’re forced to premade across multiple servers in AV because they can’t find premades on their own servers for other battlegrounds :roll_eyes: Bracket 1 caps are so low that people who just solo queue can break bracket 1 without even realizing it.

Thinking that you could get R14 during a phase when it actually mattered just because you got R11 at a time when almost all competitive PvP is dead has to be one the dumbest things I’ve ever read on this forum though.

Ally have the best chance of creating a pre-made, as Queues are basically instant… Horde has to wait 2hrs or more by that time everyone is split up into different AVs because people tend to leave in the middle of an AV

Horde do not have the advantage as alliance do

Imagine waiting 90 mins in queue to get BLASTED LMFAO


You claimed you needed skill. Now you’re claiming, well not really just depends when you rank.

Anyone with the time can rank. ANYONE. Even a lower level in quest greens playing against higher level, better geared players on a 95% losing map.

The entire ranking system in Vanilla/Classic is designed to be much much harder based on how competitive the pool is and I said that you need skill to rank when it’s ACTUALLY competitive. I never changed my stance on anything you just need to learn to read.

All you’ve done is display how ignorant you actually are of the classic rank system and I’m sure you’re equally as ignorant about the Arena rating system since you’re still under the illusion that it actually takes skill.

Whatever it takes to make yourself feel better I guess… lol

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Sure if you dump enough time into it, you can rank. Especially in phase 6. It was much harder to do so in the earlier generations.

You talk about ranking your 59 in AV. Alliance pretty much didn’t rank in AV once the original AV premade thing was changed. AV was for rep grinding and AV weekend. Alliance premaded WSG/AB or did AB if they were solo. The HPH in AV as alliance when losing all the time is terrible. AB solo even when sitting at stables and getting farmed was way better. Now there was one type of player who did a decent amount of their ranking in AV and that was the player who would AFK while working etc or run bot scripts.

I’ve always said ranking is not about skill but time. However, ranking has ALWAYS been less time-intensive if you can find a premade especially one that allows you to farm other premades. So getting into a good premade was important at the start and that involved at least not totally sucking. I was lucky enough to be in my servers top premade team in gen 1/2 and the amount of played time to get 14 was still very high. There is no way a person getting the HPH that AV gives would have been able to compete with that.

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im just here to collect horde tears


One sad effect of the AV premade meta was that many alliance WSG/AB premades ended up being based on brackets which were completely lacking in skill based standing due to the premades.

You’d think that the premades would weed out the lesser skilled players but thanks to near instant queue times and scouting before it was fixed, it wasn’t uncommon to just let the bad players stay for the sake of relationships and the fact that the hph wasn’t severely affected as it was common to just go next anytime they went against a decent horde premade.

On average the gen 1 rankers were better than later generations but AV premade era makes the achievement so much less impressive at least for alliance.

Hey! I just like being a rogue in AV and I didnt want to wait 2 hours for a game.

By “harder” all you mean is more time intensive. There’s nothing that requires skill AT ALL. You can be the worst player in the entire history of WoW and still rank up even losing 95% of your BG matches. All you need to do is queue up.

What about that takes skill? Nothing, that’s what. Anyone who claims ranking up takes skill has no idea what that word even means.


It was much better when the horde had to carry you…

Hey now I can’t sit in my chair that long they definitely outskill me in that category.

I would have probably died of a blood clot.


Maybe so, wasn’t how I played.

Ha! It was definitely more fun playing AB and WSG. We won more than often than not, especially AB.

Actually it was R12. I corrected my original post.