AV "premades" don't exist

Yeah well you’re obviously trolling

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Yep, you’re obviously a loser.

LOL. oh.

Didn’t see that person was the 59.

LOL all good :smile:

Blizzard patched the BG to make it impossible to start with that few players so I’m reluctant to believe you.

However yeah there is a single group of people that are q syncing. And there isn’t any way to stop that because of the minuscule amount of alliance willing to even play av.

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Yeah well supposedly they made it impossible to premade in AV but that didnt stop anyone so lets not pretend Blizz has a firm grip on stuff.

One game the gates opened when it was 40 to 18 and premaders were still dropping out of the game as new people were coming in. So maybe the game is registering more people being available for the game but doesnt account for them leaving en masse in the cave in the remaining seconds before the gate opens.

Lol you have no idea. A premade will always beat a pug. And most premades would just give up after losing the first clash when fighting against other premade. So you can have a full premade of bad people and still get a good amount of hph. Actually even good premades would do that because it gives more hph to lose against a premade in 5 minutes and queue again than to win in 15 or more minutes…


This is what horde keeps losing to…



angry reacts only

I think the others in the discord were letting the girl speak more because you know she is a girl.

Either way I did leave because I don’t normally join discords ever, except for 1 friend I have sometimes. I only joined that discord temporarily to assess how much for a “premade” it was. I did hear 2 other males talking to the female about her cat. They did not talk about the AV they were in.

I did also see another “premade” being discussed after I made that reply too. But they said they were not actually sharing the discord anymore and were discussing it rather by word of mouth.

Either way I think the teamwork in these “premades” is similar to teamwork you’ll get from a pug. Blizzard can’t stop friends or people from communicating on a app or program they don’t even own. It would be like saying hey don’t play WoW with other people.

Not going to happen.