AV Cave Rez situation

Can you help me again with this one lol: http s:// imgur. com/ VIAYlLc

Trust me this is worth looking at. Paste the URL and delete the spaces I put into the link so that it will let me post this. I wanted to show folks the power of the Horde cave res.

Played this game last night. We went for broke and queue-synced three groups from our server. When we got in, to our pleasant surprise, we found a Westfall 5-man also consisting of Marshals and Field Marshals. We also had a few individual queuers from other servers that got into our specific AV and again picked up a couple of Marshal+ that way. We got on discord.

So this ended up being a group of about 25 people, mostly rankers, in that AV. Because of us, the average Alliance player rank in that AV was rank 10.

Still. Almost. Got. Wiped. Out. More than once. At IB GY. Due to the Horde cave res.

Look at my screenshot. The situation was dire. You see how many Horde was already on the IB GY flag. My people were suicide-spinning flag with sapper charges, holy nova, arcane explosion, Un’goro crystal charges (yours truly), straight-up meleeing instead of healing so we die but get to spin flag for another second…

Does that not look like 20 coming out of the cave to swarm at us? For sure more than the 10 that any GY can spawn. This happened more than once: Our team of 25 Commanders+, on comms, hanging on by a thread against some Senior Sergeants.

And y’all expect a normal Alliance AV pug to pull this off? Must be out your mind.