AV PreMade Sniping

Maybe you’re in a guild that doesn’t matter but you can’t blacklist someone from something they’re not going to be able to do anyway. We just have to deal with people like you the best we can.

But for people who are in guilds that actually accomplish things, being removed from their guild is a real risk for violating our rules.

Good luck sweetie. I’ll be coming for you when I get home this evening :wink:


Oh be quiet. You or anyone doesn’t own anything in this game. This is just straight up cringy and annoying.

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The strategy is to rush drek, they can just zerg the pve boss faster than horde can, so by default, if you do the winning strat, which everyone knows, you win, since AV is solved, like everything else in vanilla.

They could make AV give no honor, and this method would still be the single fastest way to win the BG.

Further false equivalence argument.

Reiterates one must follow the arbitrary rules set by a group over a system they do not control, and openly threatens those with don’t with blacklisting and exploiting the reporting system to have them removed.

A revised argument may get you more traction than this failed attempt at justification.

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You are not fooling anyone.

Blacklisting on a different server means jack. You want me to believe a few PvPers are coordinating across multiple server across hundreds of guilds … funny. If this was true you wouldn’t have so few in AV that leaves so many games starting 10 vs 40.

I’m sensing the projection you are the ones in grave danger of being blacklisted and most alliance don’t give a dam about pvp.

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I actually joined their discord with a fake name and snipe their groups to leech premade honor :smiley:


screenshots please, I don’t believe you. :slight_smile:

I don’t understand, this is way more effort then joining the discord server in the first place…

Yeah, this is complete BS

He is just trying to discourage people from sniping by threatening them.

Doing the lights work!

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I commend you on your fine work solider!

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Post your screencaps of these gkicks, i doubt anyway cares, what guild would kick a member because of the loud mouths in world chat?

This is wow, no one matters, its just an old game, who cares what some rando on your server says?

You need good players, not specific players.

Problem is the discords have these ridiculous requirements, like if you’re not a certain rank, or if you are missing a piece of BiS gear you are barred from joining any premade group.


Somewhat easier method of PreMade Sniping from reddit user katsu2881:

"Saw this in a comment somewhere else and tested it for a day - this method works really well:

  1. Don’t randomly join AV
  2. Click to join a specific AV and scroll down the list
  3. Remember (or note) the number of the last (lowest in the list) AV
  4. Do this (refresh the list) until a new AV pops up
  5. If two new AVs pop up at the same time join the smaller number of the two

This doesn’t guarantee that you get into the same AV as a premade, but it significantly increases your chances. However, it makes sure that you don’t end up in a running turtle AV. Yesterday I succeeded on average 4/5 times."


This is sick. Don’t promote this.

Sucks to suck.


You’re honestly making stuff up just to spite people :frowning: there’s like 10 different premade discords, yes one or two have rank requirements, just join another, the one im on asks you to have epic mounts, which to me doesn’t sound unreasonable at all

Keep posting this. Please.

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Agreed. These snipers just need to get with the program. Join a discord premade group – if you have trash tier gear, put some effort into your character before you join!

They expect to leech off of our hard work. They want us to carry them to 100% win rate without putting in the massive amount of work to achieve that goal. That just isn’t going to happen.