AV PreMade Sniping

:rofl: :laughing: :rofl: :laughing: :rofl: :laughing:

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Hollow e-threats…

Is that all you got?

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Leech off hard work hahaha. Oh god.


But you don’t have to soil yourself by being a member of the premade group.

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Are you for real? You are literally caricature my man.
:rofl: :laughing: :rofl: :laughing: :rofl: :laughing:


ROFLMAO lololololololol

The extremes some people will go.

blame you premade queue dodgers…lol.

Exactly right, now you’re gonna get stomped in P5 :’)

Post on your main and I’ll report it for you.

The labor put into this game creates no real world value, its not work.


It’s solo que you’re not leeching.

It’s 100% the premades problem if I wanna afk while they farm honor for me. Welcome to AV ranking

lol what content could anyone black list you for in vanilla wow?

why does anyone think other nerds care about their problems with other nerds? lol

IDK if you’re joking but others certainly say that kinda stuff not in jest…Literally no1 can blacklist anyone lol

It’s organic and done in world chat. Not by AV ranking nerds no1 cares about


The people who cant manage to meet the requirements to join a proper premade discord are the same people who have to pug raids and are in trash tier guilds. They can get blacklisted quite easily from any credible guild.

Holy cow this arrogance is astounding. It seems pretty straightforward, but correct me if I’m wrong:

AV battlegrounds are inherently first come first served, and while premades are more than welcome to try and all jump into one together, there isn’t any in-game system that guarantees 40 specific people that av game. If it’s first come first served mechanics for the premades, theres nothing wrong with randoms trying to get into good teams.

Did I miss something? As you’ve pointed out the game has things that are manipulatable, and there’s no reason for any one person not to take advantage of something if it’s not breaking any rules. If I’m a solo druid looking to pick up some honor, if I can ride with some super LEET gamer pros and get 100k honor in a night, might as well.

Wut? Casuals are gonna care the least about what the upper tier guilds think. They don’t even think about world bosses, the only relevant cross guild thing int eh game. lol

They will laugh in your face.

They care enough to try to steal a spot from a premade. They could easily join a low tier premade but they would rather leech off of our hard work.

Yea but how does that give you the ability to blacklist? THat’s just delusion you have no such ability

No1 cares, especially non rankers in other guilds that are teh officers.

tested it out, works great, i’ve just won a game in 7 min.

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So for credibility’s sake, post on your main. If you refuse then we know you’re lying.