AV PreMade Sniping

Profits from charging people to be rank 12+? Or profits from charging people to be in your silly premade?

No, you’re throwing a tantrum and abusing the right click report feature, i.e. breaking the ToU.


I’m going to start sniping AV premades now and there’s nothing you premade kiddos can do about it : )


No one suspects the spanish inquisition

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I’m thinking of doing the same, screenshotting the names in the raid group then reporting every one of them to Blizzard for abuse if I get booted or even silenced just for being there.


Yeah, it’s blatent abuse of game mechanics to boot people out of a RANDOM battleground because you don’t like them there. I hope these people get the bans they deserve.


How do you feel about blacklisting the snipers from future classic content? And blacklisting their guilds as well for repeat offenders?

I honestly don’t know what you mean by this threat. The most you could do is blacklist me from future AV premades. You aren’t some classic God.


This has to be a troll. No one is really like this. Not even the most entitled are like this.




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I feel much more stupid having read your comment, as if there is anything that a silly cross server premade can do that will affect any of my characters’ PVE.

Literally threatens those who don’t abide. I reiterate, how do you function outside of the game?


I thought so too, but it’s so consistent and continuous that it really does seem like their actual personality.

It’s baffling this is real…

I can see the veil of anonymity facilitating people being their worst. It’s possible it is to compensate for irl failings and shortcomings.

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I think that issue goes both ways. World pvp in itself died out once BG’s hit. There is spurts of it here and there but not as it was. Mostly due to it was only way to farm honor it seemed.

You’ll notice a significant overlap between competent raiders and competent rankers. We have had many people removed from their raiding guilds who were trying to leech our honor. How hard is it to follow our rules and play nice with others?

You too can get into a premade – even if it is one of our low tier premades – by putting in just a little bit more than 0 effort. You wont win 100% of your games like we do but you’ll do a lot better than you’d do in a pug! You may even rank up and gear up to the point you can earn a spot on the A team.

I’m curious on your plans to blacklist someone form content that’s not even on your server.


Thank you for making this post. You are a true hero.

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HAHA you’re trying too hard friend. Also I will reiterate again that there is absolutely nothing you and your imaginary friends could do that would impact my characters raiding or guild standing.

If you tried to contact anyone from my guild about me leaching honor, you would get laughed at and I’d get a promotion for trolling toxic pvpers.



Raiding and ranking have a lot of overlap. We have had many people removed from their raiding guilds because they don’t follow the rules.