Anyone who’s ever played wow for more than a year, knows that blizzard doesn’t always list hidden changes. They may just forget to add that little bit of info to their patch notes, be it actual patch or hotfix.
Servers are up, but keep this thread alive bois!
thanks, bye!
They may also add a RNG weight to the queue, so even when queuing at the same time there is fluctuating queues for each person, making it harder to get the same AV.
No visible changes, just a system adjustment to the queues behind the scenes.
I like that idea.
Should we call you the guardian of AV spots? LOL RANDOM means RANDOM
Wonder is the alliance are going to attempt try to extort real money from fellow alliance to join their 13/14.
We are dealing with them. =]
Is it possible that the community could solve the premade problem before Blizzard even acknowledges it? I like where this is going.
Viva la Revolution!
Classic PvP is player versus player on a whole new level, pinning people from the same faction against each other. It’s quite astounding.
It’s the hope of the majority to keep classic from becoming a R12-14 pserver. Ruin as many premades as you can it’s your duty.

Savage but hopefully it helps alliance games even out. Rolling 10 people for close to 5k honor is nice but was a snooze fest.
Pvp is dead, ally run from you in the open world and they run from you in a bg.
Sorry but if you NEED a premade to win you suck.
If you LOSE to a PUG in a premade you suck even worse.
Talk about full of yourself.
It is just more efficient to win in 6 minutes than to win in 20.
All you have to do is look at the posts from the pro premade people and you see the biggest jerks and the very definition of TOXICITY.
Translation: I don’t want people in my guild and server to know I am a total petty piece of elitist garbage.

You wouldn’t take a level 55 with trash tier greens into MC. Why should we take a noob with trash gear and no epic mount in our premade?
Our job isn’t to carry them for free.
My guild has taken plenty of lvl 55’s with trash gear to MC, guess what its still a sub 2 hour clear. Our last three eye’s have gone to a sub 60 priest…
same reason why ninjas and scammers “win” items. its nothing to be proud of.

Except we are going out of our way to open a fresh AV just for our group. A group that we have specific requirements to join. The puggers are welcome to play in a random pug AV. If the matchmaker puts them with us, they can kindly leave when asked and there will be no hard feelings. It is the people who intentionally snipe spots and don’t leave when asked that cause problems.
Just because you stuck a group of specially selected pver’s into a RANDOM queue to "try " and force a new game doesn’t mean you own that RANDOM game that opened. I’m glad these queue snipers are screwing you guys over. I hope it continues to get worse for you LOL