AV PreMade Sniping

I just want to thank everyone for this thread on this down time, this is just as good as playing classic.


Don’t worry, you’re not in danger of contributing anything to my victories.

Translated: he’s been blacklisted from so many guilds on so many servers he doesn’t dare post on his main anymore. Smart, also smart posting on a classic character so no one can check his account’s achievements.


Your wild guess is wrong. Our strategy is simply more effective.

Need to tell him to take off that blindfold and look where the healers are, he’s such a baddie at pvp. along with his war masters.

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Is there a join as group button? No? then no one is stealing spots sthefu looser. You’re hording the pool stealing all the spots.

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Well tank, as i see it. For one who’s so important, you can’t share your main characters identity. You can’t be as important as you think you are, simply because, your still in hiding.

How many losses in AV did it take, before you came up with a method to cheat / stack the deck against opposing players? Maybe check old forum posts for any possible ways to cheat?

You know what exploiting the system for personal gain gets you right? Banned on a permanent basis. Forcing the software, to create a favorable instance, wasting hardware resources and software resources on blizzards systems, to get your way. Well, i hope you do get banned by the admin. As well as everyone with you, simply because you like to cheat for personal gain.

And it certainly wouldn’t be hard to tell who’s in your group, every win. That stuff is recorded on every players account, by character name. Gm’s can take a look, go through a list of players by name. See what accounts their on. And next maint, poof. Your locked out of your own account. Enjoy reading your email!


Well, maybe now that a lot of alliance are just as unhappy as the horde are with the shenanigans of these premades, they’ll finally do something about it. I mean they fixed the entrance tunnel camping in no time when alliance complained about that.

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Who knows, maybe that’s the reason for the long maintenance. I can’t imagine this much time needed to patch a mail bug.

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you obviously dont know blizzard then.

I probably don’t know them as well as you do being as how you’re such an influential person on your server and all LMAO.


I would say it impacts Alliance substantially more.

I’m currently aggregating a representative sample of AV matches based upon if they were a win/loss, a premade/failed premade/PUG and will be sharing soon.

As of now, I have a very high win rate and don’t face premades in the majority of games. It’s the Ally low tier premades and PUGs that really get the brunt of it.

I sincerely hope that Blizzard reads this, and after reset, we can see the AV queue list as follows :

Alterac Valley 1 Join
Alterac Valley 2 Join
Bruce’s Alterac Valley Join

Mind you, if you do join, you will notice they allowed Bruce to exclusively have his level 12 retail monk leading the AV - he’ll be in the cave bellowing orders at his group and pointing that fat little gnomish finger at traitorous dogs that ‘stole a spot’ in his AV. It will be glorious.


LOL shut your mouth.

LOL I just spit coffee all over my keyboard.


Blizzard has already confirmed that they’re not going to be making any changes to the AV queue system. Deal with it!

And I bet this source is coming straight out your butt.

Can you please provide the source for this confirmation? I presume the same, but have not seen any offical statements.

I don’t pvp so there’s nothing for me to deal with but to find amusement with your sense of entitlement while the game is down.


People without epic mounts in your AV, DEAL WITH IT!