Imagine having one account.
Easy fix. No grouping allowed. That means no invitiations able to be sent once you queue. If your in a group, you cannot queue. If you’ve yet to accept a group invite, You cannot queue.
By making premades to constantly win, works for you. Well, its pretty much the same as cheating. Your stacking the deck, and you will get busted for it.
Then again… If you can’t play fairly, why play at all. Hope the banhammer falls on people who are exploiting the system for their gain.
Imagine that I haven’t heard this excuse before. Let me guess, you original account that was server first rank 14 got hacked and no longer available right?

You should post on your main too Bruce.
Why? I already get people begging me all day long to let them join our honor train. No need to add the trolls to the mix.
The troll is finally self-destructing.
Tank, you might spend a little more time on “Hooked on Phonics” to help you with sentence structure, grammar, spelling, etc, and less time in AV. It’s ROGUE by the way…has been for 15 years.

Easy fix. No grouping allowed. That means no invitiations able to be sent once you queue. If your in a group, you cannot queue. If you’ve yet to accept a group invite, You cannot queue.
By making premades to constantly win, works for you. Well, its pretty much the same as cheating. Your stacking the deck, and you will get busted for it.
Then again… If you can’t play fairly, why play at all. Hope the banhammer falls on people who are exploiting the system for their gain.
Great idea! I agree completely. Let’s just remove the ability to queue as a group. That will solve everything.
Drek is bad at pvp, and somehow he is in all my AV games.

Imagine that I haven’t heard this excuse before. Let me guess, you original account that was server first rank 14 got hacked and no longer available right?
Some people pay for two accounts. Some people pay for many more than that.

Because premades have plans to hold rank 12-14 ransom. You must pay to rank later on.
Saw that coming.
Then infighting will begin. They will start to purge their own.

Some people pay for two accounts. Some people pay for many more than that
And yet you think you can blacklist someone. Bwahahahahahaha.
Some people also lie, then lie even more when they get caught lying.
It’s OK Bruce, I know you and Tank are just afraid that people would blacklist you if they knew who you really were. I know I would if I was alliance and on your server.
Bruce, Tank, PLEASE post your mains. I sincerely want nothing to do with your premades. I would be disappointed if I found out that I stayed and contributed to any of your victories. I will be happy to leave. Isn’t that what you want anwyay?
i am to important to worry about the likes of you not being in my groups, even tho unless you stumbled upon a miracle you would never be invited.
I’m done lol. There is just no way some parents like their children. gl all.
Why on Earth would i post on my main for knowing full well that premades are BLACKLISTING people to mass report in AV?
The better question is why aren’t you posting on your main?
Because being in a premade is a HUGE HUGE advantage over a PUG?
Just a wild guess here.
i have already answered this i am an important influential person on my server and the truth would cause drama, people look to me to lead them , and some of the noobs under me are not ready for this truth.
the meta evolves