AV PreMade Sniping

Ally on dominated servers did as well. People will be people.

That doesn’t justify the behavior or attempts at justification. It both cases it was frowned upon. In the wPvP at least it followed game design; this does not.

But if you use others to justify your own selfishness, you do you.

Interesting… Both of my primary toons have been in MC well before 60, and in leveling gear.

I didn’t have to pay a single copper, and I earned DKP while I was in there!


Post on your main so we know who to bow down to and bask in their glory.


Except we are going out of our way to open a fresh AV just for our group. A group that we have specific requirements to join. The puggers are welcome to play in a random pug AV. If the matchmaker puts them with us, they can kindly leave when asked and there will be no hard feelings. It is the people who intentionally snipe spots and don’t leave when asked that cause problems.

I’m saying that ANYONE acting this way is a entitled idiot; HORDE or ALLIANCE. This is about being a jerk which has to with what kind of PERSON you are IRL.

Pretty simple.


Some parents never said ‘no’


Once again…NOBODY owns a BG. Get that through your THICK ENTITLED SKULL.


This is a troll right?? You actually ask people from your own faction to take a deserter buff just so you can get more “cool kids” in??? And you all think most of the adults in classic rolled Horde for the racials LOL.


Casual guilds (or was it with even more casual pugs) be casual.

Horde do not understand for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction, this is just nature taking place, this is the world, for your push there is a pull back/

It’s a public BG, when it opens up it’s fair game.

Excepting the cases people are exploit reported to get kicked or spam reported afk if they do not comply.


Once again. Most of you high ranks couldn’t PvP your way out of a paper bag.


Explain why we always win then? 100% win rate. For weeks.

please you a lvl 12 human rouge will show us how to pvp, yeah okay most of us high rankers have been practicing for years for this moment, we have full eng full enchants max rank gear, i trash horde at a rate you couldn’t even imagine.

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You did say “no one would take.”

Folks who struggle with logic tend to struggle with their use of universal quantifiers.

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So your reaction to the Horde stomping your face is bullying players from your own faction?

This has nothing to do with Horde and everything to do with selfish entitlement. You found a work around, they found a work around you.


Your account global achievements prove you’re the epitome of casual Mr. Knight-Lieutenant.


I should have been more clear. No one who matters. My apologies.

You should post on your main too Bruce.