AV PreMade Sniping

And MORE and MORE are doing it.

Bless the OP and sticky this for ALL to see.

This is a thread that actually educates casuals and new players so they can have a better experience.

It’s good for the long term health of the game. One thing that is a common theme in MMOs is that elites are the ones that always kill the game.

#tryhard = #nofun


Look, I’m all good with shaking up the status quo a bit. Right now premades are it.

But most of these guys are about done. Alliance ‘sniping’ isn’t going to do as much as what people might think, not like players kidnapping botters and downranking them to rank 1.

There are still plenty and we are still seeing 10-40 starts on a regular basis. It’s really rare to start at full strength in a full PUG.

I think the best thing to hope for by sniping is that some of the ‘little guys’ can maybe have a little fun at the small expense of some entitled elitist jerk.

Also by using this method, you can avoid getting into a AV that is 10 minutes in with no bonus honor left to get.


I consider myself ‘the little guy’ in this situation. I seldom have gotten into premades (mount issue) and it’s not even worth the constant grind. Casual, or w/e you want to call it.

This is all a case of ‘I need to go outside’ or play something else. We’re WELL beyond any fix that would satisfy anyone, and people will be r14 as a result.

Say they fix any of the myriad of issue, what next? “They got that way because of X…reset ranks”.

I think the sniping is the end result of people resigned to the fact PREMADES are not going away. It’s either quit with AV and/or the game or adapt and I choose the latter. I can see this turning off many casuals and even those new to BGs. I can imagine if this was my first experience with BGs. I would have probably quit after three or four AVs. I know I’m preaching to the choir but how many times do we need to start a BG down 30 players?


Be sure to teach more people this method. Once you have enough you’ll end up in games with eachother scratching your heads wondering why you got left behind. LMAO.


Bye bye premades!

We’ve prepared a collection of improvements that we’re going to make to Alterac Valley in WoW Classic over the next few days. Our goal is to make surgical adjustments that address some of the more prominent pain points and unfortunate behaviors, without cracking open the substance of the battleground.

As Soon As Possible

We’re working on a hotfix that will go live soon that will make honorless targets unlootable. This is intended to further discourage camping the starting caves as an efficient activity.

With Scheduled Weekly Maintenance

Several concurrent adjustments should positively affect the initial state of each instance of Alterac Valley:

  • Alterac Valley will now allow parties of up to 5 players to queue together. When a party queues together, they will be placed into the same battleground.
  • There will no longer be a number in the name of the battleground in the “Join Battle” screen.
    ******* We’re fixing a setting that allowed the battleground to start with as few as 20 players on a team.

Soon After the Weekly Honor and Raid Reset

In WoW Classic (and original WoW), players who get fewer than 15 kills aren’t given any rank progress, and are given a standing amongst other players who had fewer than 15 kills. This standing is ignored and causes confusion, so it will no longer be displayed.

Finally, we’re updating the calculation of diminishing returns to match patch 1.12 of original WoW. When WoW Classic first launched the Honor System, we made the decision to decrease Honor by 25% per repeated kill. With world PvP being the only option for obtaining Honor at that time, this made sense. Now, PvP has primarly moved to battlegrounds where repetitious engagements can happen with much greater frequency. Starting next week, Honor will now decrease by 10% per repeated kill in both battlegrounds and world PvP.


Was just reading this. Cheers. I’m not upset at all about this. I’ll be glad not to have to run AV anymore.

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:tada: :tada: :tada:

It’s party time tonight, Blizzard listened!

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We’ve prepared a collection of improvements that we’re going to make to Alterac Valley in WoW Classic over the next few days. Our goal is to make surgical adjustments that address some of the more prominent pain points and unfortunate behaviors, without cracking open the substance of the battleground.

As Soon As Possible

We’re working on a hotfix that will go live soon that will make honorless targets unlootable. This is intended to further discourage camping the starting caves as an efficient activity.

With Scheduled Weekly Maintenance

Several concurrent adjustments should positively affect the initial state of each instance of Alterac Valley:

  • Alterac Valley will now allow parties of up to 5 players to queue together. When a party queues together, they will be placed into the same battleground.
  • There will no longer be a number in the name of the battleground in the “Join Battle” screen.
  • We’re fixing a setting that allowed the battleground to start with as few as 20 players on a team.

Soon After the Weekly Honor and Raid Reset

In WoW Classic (and original WoW), players who get fewer than 15 kills aren’t given any rank progress, and are given a standing amongst other players who had fewer than 15 kills. This standing is ignored and causes confusion, so it will no longer be displayed.

Finally, we’re updating the calculation of diminishing returns to match patch 1.12 of original WoW. When WoW Classic first launched the Honor System, we made the decision to decrease Honor by 25% per repeated kill. With world PvP being the only option for obtaining Honor at that time, this made sense. Now, PvP has primarly moved to battlegrounds where repetitious engagements can happen with much greater frequency. Starting next week, Honor will now decrease by 10% per repeated kill in both battlegrounds and world PvP.

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This comment did not age well considering the news of premade cracking that just came out this morning.

Big oof my dude. Retail still has rated bg’s tho!

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OOF! Embarrassing!
:joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


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Keep telling yourself that. :roll_eyes:

Hows that sniping AV going to work out now. Lol

Who cares about that now?

My God you’re pathetic.

Our MAIN GOAL was to eliminate or hinder the premades you people used to abuse and game the system. Blizzard should take rank away from all of you who rolled in these premades. If any real money was exchanged all that were involved should be perma banned.


Haha. You’re so bitter its hilarious, it wont hinder premades as much as you think. But it will incentive Horde to farm you even harder.

It doesn’t need to?

It was a way to help people being greifed by same faction selfish exploiters.

Ding Dong the premade is dead

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It was never about griefing the Alliance. It was a downside to the system for sure.

However, the discords will still queue games and have a fairly high success rate. And Pugs wont be able to snipe games purposely anymore. Leaving most of them in groups together.

Pugs will have to deal with a higher probability of facing Horde premade groups now though. And with Honor decay being reduced it’s very likley the PUG Alliance AV crowd will be farmed for longer.

Naturally, it was just a byproduct of those doing it. Griefing isn’t always intentional.

We’ll have to see how the changes effect it.

Perhaps, but it will likely be less common to have matches start 10v40.

Possibly, by at the most it would be 8 separate groups of 5, which have less cohesion than a 30 person premade. It also facilitates pugs grouping up with friends directly.

Yet they have a better chance to fight back when not starting with 15 people, and while annoying, PvP camping within a BG isn’t exploiting.