AV PreMade Sniping

You were fully aware of the consequences of your actions but you not only continued, you fiercely defended the practice. That’s how people rationalize behavior that is reprehensible. By saying there was no INTENT to harm, you are attempting to wash your hands of the dirty deed of griefing. You DIDN’T CARE about fellow Alliance players because of your selfishness. We see that from all of your posts.

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An I’d keep doing it untill I was done grinding out my Rank. What’s your point? We arent friends. I had no incentive to help you. Those that are in the groups I am in I have fun playing with. And plan to continue as they are good at PVP. The pug crowd isnt that great and will get crushed by Horde either way. Keep being bitter. It’s hilarious.

You come off as a good person. I hope you’re just an internet warrior and not like this irl =/

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You just prove my point to what scum you are. You are the epitome of a cancer. You are a griefer.


Should i let that person insult me? If I started calling you names over a discussion would you just say thank you?

So bitter.

People like this are usually how they are IRL too. It’s a MENTALITY. He just may not have the balls to say this to real people that’s all.

Just pointing out a fact. You fit the definition. Sorry I like to be accurate.

You like to insult because you get emotional over a conversation. That’s accurate.

Nope just pointing out how you act and that attitude of yours. Pretty simple there Salty.

I’m not salty. I’d have let this conversation go a long time ago but your bitterness compels me to respond. It’s actually entertaining.

Stay Salty!

I guess I’ll have to agree to disagree.

gonna cry?

My bet is the complaining will now be something along the lines of, there are premades in WSG going against non premades.

It’s the next step.

Well there’s a simple in-game solution to that. It’s called form your own premades with the intended tools within the game. Time to find at least 9 other people to form your WSG premades.

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You can make it so you never go against a premade by just never going above 5 people in a group.

So two separate groups of 5 can queue at the exact same time, end up in the same WSG, and the opponents will likely (due to the nature of how many horde there are) be full on pugs. No amount of BG name removal will fix this because of how few WSG’s there are.

I think solo queing is going to be a bad idea for both sides. Time to find some good teammates.

We think this way. The majority of the people complaining about the premades won’t. It will just be 1000 more posts.

Let those people whine all they want because that will not change anything. It was always that way too…we ran AB and WSG premades against other premades. Good times!