AV PreMade Sniping

That’s the play against any warlock. :upside_down_face:

stealing spots?? who do you think you are?? the AV police?? and what makes you think you deserve any spots more than any other player who pays the same exact of money as you do to play this game, and not be banned because a group of idiots like you think they are simply too good for the rest of your faction?? elitist jerk attitude


So how much an effect of the publication of the snipe technique had on premade win rates? Are they still winning every AV in 7 minutes?

Honestly there are so many alliance premades queuing up I don’t feel like sniping is even noticed. I’ve sniped about 10 games now and it’s always a different group. Also half the time they don’t even win… They definitely get more honor/rep though just from being organized.


No, not in every game. The main thing is that we still win.

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Why should they? If some of your premade group didn’t make it in, too bad. Better luck next game. I’ve been sniping queues all day, and knowing I denied a spot to someone with this terrible attitude you’re showing feels good.


This thread needs to be turned into a sticky as a PSA.


Ive put the post on 2 Oceanic redits, spreading the love, lets break these clowns.


I wonder how effective it would be, and the possible repercussions to queues, if games were matched with a weighting criteria for the average rank of each team.

It would promote premade v premade and pug v pug.

I guess then premades couldn’t stomp pugs, which has always been the goal in premades though =/

With the increased queue times for the massively stacked high rank AV premades from the weighting criteria waiting for the closest match, queue dodging could be less common and 40v10 matches may dwindle down.

Obviously this wouldn’t conform to vanilla, perhaps the unicorn Classic+ dream.

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Here’s the perspective from someone with experience in AV PreMades concerning being false reported and auto banned.

Gotta love the current meta, fun fun for all.

If you’d like to hear additional perspective on it, he’s discussing it before the timestamp the embedded video starts with, but I feel this is the most egregious point.

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Sure enough soon as a premade comes in they report the 5 players that were there before they came in as /afk and try and tell them to type /afk to undo the report. I screenshot this just in case but also reported the three that did that on me for griefing.

These pieces of garbage need to all be reported for griefing when they do that.


I can’t take the video seriously. He says he has a friend who got suspended for 6 months for fighting in mid?

I think he means his friend got an autoban from being mass reported in AV for fighting in mid.

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Those spots don’t belong to the premades either, you elitist flog.
Piss off back to retail.


Like Ray said, this was supposedly due to mass reporting from the Premade for his friend not following their strategy.

Who knows? But I’ve seen this claim in multiple cases from disconnected individuals, and it is easy enough to abuse RcR.

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Just sniped one of the top tier premades that won in 6 minutes flat. Thanks guys!


Let’s keep it up until Blizzard removes AV#s!


Sadly, unless every single AV pugger began sniping, I don’t see how it will stop or effect the premades. And sniping is still essentially stepping on the ‘little guys’ who aren’t or don’t know about sniping and left to pug. Sniping is accepting the quick PvP win without being in the premade discord and likely slightly inconveniencing the few players that didn’t get in.

Just my copper.

You definitely make a great point that I wonder about as well. I do believe that there are more people partaking in this and I make it a point to educate the PUGs. It seems MOST people in PUGs know that the premades are the source of the 10-40 starts as well. It’s not a secret. So I figure the best thing to do is to disseminate this knowledge to as many people as possible. Otherwise it’s either join the premades or cry into your pillow. We can educate those in PUGs- we just need to do it.


This thing still going?