AV PreMade Sniping

Talk about assumptions.

Yikes, I had no idea. The top tier ones I know about just require you to show your Parses from MC and Ony just due to the number of DPS players already in queue.

Not assumptions. This is all based on your responses.

You don’t need to say those very words to come across as anti-sniping…Just read what you have wrote. My God your logic is beyond faulty.

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Speak for yourself Captain Red Herring Strawman.

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So, because of this, when someone takes the option of actively joining a premade, it is wrong. But when someone is actively attempting to join an existing premade, it’s perfectly justifiable. Boy…

As I say hardly neutral and anti-sniping.

I rest my case.

Everything was information. Nothing even came close to telling you not to snipe, but to simply question your intent of sniping. Your biased perception is amusing at best. And you claim to be logical when you let your emotions best you, pft.

Imagine throwing baby temper tantrums over premade av groups not working.


Keep bumping it Captain Strawman!

Thank you!!! :joy: :joy: :rofl:

Pointing out that you detest premades, but accept sniping is not anti-sniping. It’s just pointing out your hypocrisy…

Keep bumping it!
Man this is too easy.
:joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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I have no problems bumping this post. There is information to be absorbed by both parties. You can call me whatever you like, if it makes you feel better. Doesn’t take away from the facts of your hypocrisy =).

Even another agreed with my assessment of how sniping works. Your refusal to accept the details, isn’t my problem.

Good for you because the OPs post is the one that will OVERWHELMINGLY get more dissemination and therefore, influence.

Thanks for keeping the thread alive. :+1:

Your opinion- incorrect as it is you are entitled to it.

The fact of the matter is that I never resorted to red herrings or strawmen to promote my side of the argument.

Do yourself a favor and take a course in logic.

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Oooo lots to read now :popcorn:

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Premades, I hate them. Bad bad bad!
Oh, I joined a Premade, Yay I win!.. I mean, Premades are bad!
There’s a way for me to join a premade? Yes, I will do this. I mean… premades are bad!

Look in the mirror, hypocrite. =)

You remind of that dude who wouldn’t concede in chess despite being a queen down.

Give it up. You LOST the argument long long ago.

EDIT: And thanks for the bump so MORE PEOPLE can get involved in sniping! I’m talking about getting OTHERS involved so THEY can BENEFIT.


It’s basically like the spiderman pointing meme between these two at this point.


Not really. I’m getting him to bump a topic that is against his position.