AV PreMade Sniping

This is still amusing to me because you are partaking as well, just in a different process. The fact that you willingly know you’re sniping and attempting to join a premade, is exactly that… the will and intention to join a premade. Your only spin/justification here is the uncertainty of this process, but your intentions are clear. You want to reap the rewards of one, but you’ll criticize it and bash those who partake (more directly)… there is nothing more hypocritical than that.

So don’t give me your high horse BS. We see you clearly for who you are. Just calling you out for it. =)

But I don’t judge. Do as you please. Just don’t tell others how to play, when you’re doing the exact thing that you so detest.

You lost the argument long ago. Hell, the math teacher that called out your faulty logic doesn’t even address you any longer.

I support premade snipers.
Get the gatekeepers boys!


Nice deflection there =)

That’s what people do when they can’t defend their BS.

Nah she pointed out your FAULTY LOGIC resorting to red herrings, whataboutism, and strawmen. Take a course in logic and do yourself a favor.

There is not debate on that subject, Premades are hurting pug players. To create a premade they create from 2 to 4 AV. Pug players end in groups of 5-10 in the AV the premade don’t enter. Others pug players enter in those AV that started 10 min ago with not chance to win at that point.

Premades don’t care about hurting other players bg experiences, but somehow pretend some pedestal. That need to end, more players need to start to sniping to the point the premades come back to “1, 2, 3 and queue” and deal with what that drop.


Lol, Still a deflection. I’ve already had my debate with Contention, and she/he and I came to our agreements. Right now, I’m calling you out on your BS, this is nothing relating to what you just quoted. Amusing that you went out of your way to scroll through that though.

Your intentions. Plain and simple. You want to join a Premade by sniping, and reap the rewards. You then criticize said premades that you benefited from. You have no moral standing here.

You guys still don’t know how this works because the original information is not very accurate for the majority of premades. Sniping does not technically hurt premades. I’ll explain, since you’re probably not going to read through the entire thread for my previous explanation.

A premade is formed when groups of people Q, and then announce their AV#. Those groups of people join a discord channel with said AV#. They then review how many people got the same # and decide whether to take the game, depending on number of people and composition of roles.

So for example, a group gets AV# 25, and there’s 28 people. The premade then concludes that 28 ppl, with its current composition, is enough to potentially be successful at winning. They all decide to take the game. At this point, other people in the discord could try to “Snipe” AV25, to further increase the group size. If they do, great. If not, doesn’t matter because the group has already been determined.

If you happen to snipe into this game, that’s great. It doesn’t necessarily hurt their group, but it will potentially benefit you. Unless your full intention of sniping is to purposely sabotage their progress, then you’re not really causing their group harm. In fact, if you kill horde and do your objectives, you’re helping out the premade.

She definitely doesn’t agree with you on much buddy including pointing out your faulty logic which you continue to display.
The bottom line is simple. You want to pretend to be a neutral arbiter but you’re not. If you want to participate don’t pretend you’re neutral because you hardly are. You are KNOWINGLY partaking in a activity that HARMS the MAJORITY.

My solution is the one she suggests. Simple. Democratic. You don’t have to agree with it but I’m not doing what you are which is being a hypocrite.

No go run along little troll.


You just sound like a guy trying to protect premades. Your agenda is quite clear. You’re not here to “educate”…you’re here to justify and promote premades.


Wow… just wow… the irony behind this is absolutely comical. Thanks for the laugh =).

And as to the original post, there’s some inaccuracies relating to the majority of the pugs, and the concept of sniping. As I’ve explained, sniping does nothing to hurt premades, if that was your intention. All sniping does is allow you to benefit from it. So if you’re ok with benefiting from the very thing you detest… well, look above at your own quote, dear.

Ok, now you’re just butt hurt and picking a fight when no one’s even talking to you. Everything I stated in the quoted player is information of how Premades are formed, and what sniping really is. There’s nothing in that post about promoting premades. Please point out anywhere that I was promoting or protecting premades. Are you really so blinded by hatred that you can’t even see how delusional you are?

Now this is YOUR opinion. You have NO IDEA if this will affect premades. NONE. I do not know if this will affect premades or not. We won’t know until we get more people doing it would we? This is why she put out the PSA and why I continue to promote it by continually bumping this post so more can see it.

Your position is to stop sniping but in the greatest irony, you continue to help promote this issue by helping to keep this thread at the top. :grin:

I should be thanking you.

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He’s right though. Unless the player snipes with malicious intent, there is no way they are stopping that premade.

And they are sniping to get wins. So they fall in line 99% of the time.

Unless the premades are selling spots, then any spot they lose hurt them, even if they win.

this happens? wut? which discord?

:popcorn: :tropical_drink:

I was in 2 discord groups that have patreon that move you to the “big leagues” of premades of that discord. I left, but I found them by google and enter the first I saw, they cannot be rare. . .

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I mean the affect that it MAY have over time on premades in general. I would guess that it may not be much but if you get enough people doing this it can upset that meta a bit and slow it down.

At the very least it gives the least powerful to have some chance at gaining honor and winning in AV.

It’s also the only way to combat this if you PUG because Blizzzard isn’t going to do anything about this.

It’s really the only solution other than taking the horrible losses and live with it or entirely quit AV.

Your problem here is that you have no idea how premades are formed, which is causing you to lose perspective, and have no logical standing on the matter. I already explained what sniping is, but you either can’t grasp the concept, or refuse to. Either way, not really my problem.

Where did I ever made the position to tell people not to snipe? I’d love for you to dig that up. This is comical… you’re so desperate you’re putting words into my mouth. My position was to explain why sniping doesn’t technically hurt a premade group, that was already determined to have potential success. Then I moved on to calling you out on your hypocrisy of sniping, and benefiting from it.

Feel free to snipe all you want. I’m merely explaining the true nature of sniping, and it’s not exactly what you think, or what is described in the OP.

I can also tell you that if it were in the premade’s interest to limit the number of PUGs/Pug Sniping, all they have to do is not take a game unless they have even more people in the group before confirming the take. The consequence of this would actually mean more Q dodging. I can see you haven’t really thought this one through…