AV PreMade Sniping

In all of the thousands of BGs I did, AV premades were never a thing even into Wrath. AB and WSG however was full of premades as you say.

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Earlier iterations, pre 1.12 versions of AV, allowed for group or raid group queueing. People on your specific realm could group queue for AV. However Blizzard changed this for some reason and took away that ability for AV.

oh no not the black list D:

I am making conclusions based on YOUR BEHAVIOR that you have admitted to. You keep saying you are essentially neutral about premades yet you partake in them knowing of the negative consequences full well. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t be a active and willing part of the problem and act like you care about the issue. This is not a opinion.

Now how we judge said behavior is opinion. I believe it is detestable behavior. That is my OPINION. You are free to disagree.

See the difference?

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Blizzard has hacked and chopped AV so many ways since its inception. IMHO they should have really went with 1.5 AV and all of these problems would have never existed.

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Again, opinion. To remain neutral is to not have one stance over the other, which is something you don’t have much of a grasp on, due to your extreme prejudice. I offer a solution to those who are left out, and wanting to join. You can say that means I don’t care about the problem, yet those I’ve helped, seem to be grateful and do believe I care. This again, is the point of an opinion, when there are effectively two conclusions based on a different group of people, within the same action. It’s mind boggling how this escapes you, but then I look back at your bias, and it becomes more clear. You can’t see past your own truths… which comes down to your very own hypocrisy that you claim upon me.

You claim you’re above the Elitist groups, yet here you are, pushing your very own bias where if others don’t play your way, or see your point of view, they are malicious scum. That is the very attitude of elitists.

You’re hiding behind an alt because you claim you don’t want to be blacklisted by said groups. But why, exactly, is that a concern to you? You just stated your contempt for people who participate in premades, yet you’re concerned that you’d be kicked out of one, and not reap the benefits? Shouldn’t you, within your moral standards, afk out of premades, rather than stay and benefit from the win?

Oh wait, do you really believe the notion that if you stay in the game you’ll be hurting them? Ask yourself, did the premades you get into, lose because of you? Because I can guarantee you, if you’re not intentionally pulling all the WMs, you’re not making a dent on their plans. If you’re actually in the game killing horde and taking objectives, you’re actually helping them riding the win wave. So there’s really no excuse for you to hide behind an alt, other than cowardice. Or perhaps just to troll, which again, is reason for no one to take you seriously.

You appear to support the idea of sniping, which is essentially just attempting to join a premade, without their knowledge or process. Again, do you really think this disrupts a premade’s process? If you think this hurts them in any way, I point you back to whether they win or lose with you in it. In fact, if you look at many of the responses here with those successful at snipes, they were grateful getting into a premade because they won games. So you see, you have people doing it because they want to reap the benefits of a premade… where’s your moral standing to curse them out for taking advantage of something that hurts others? Go on…

And btw, do you even know what sniping really means? Of course not, because you don’t actually know how premades function. Sniping is a term used for a group who already agreed to take a game. Before such an agreement happens, it’s already concluded that they have enough people to potentially succeed in their goals. To Snipe is just a way to suggest other premades try to get into the game and increase their numbers. The fact is, they’ve already determined that the group was good enough to proceed. Whether you snipe, or another premade snipes, or just a pug randomly joins, makes no difference to that fact.

Simply put, you’re so full of crap, it’s comical now. And a troll is precisely how I will treat your posts. Come back on your main when you’re done being a hypocrite. Have fun =)

The part you quote is a FACT that you admitted to earlier. Premade AVs hurt Alliance PUGs. There is no arguing of this FACT. Get that straight.

If you are part of the problem then you CANNOT be part of the solution by DEFINITION.

You’re making this too easy. Just go back to our exchanges.

Once again. Let’s look at my ENTIRE post.

Says the guy that wants to have it both ways. :roll_eyes:

Oh God…just look at LIKES each side gets. I rest my case you HYPOCRITE. I have shown your hypocrisy and exposed your true agenda of pushing premades. you’re a joke.

I don’t dispute the fact that I participate, but you still have an issue understanding that there are variables here that equate to an opinion, not facts.

Because you see, the solution is debatable, and that is also, an opinion. Your solution is disband any ability to create a premade. Yes, that is one potential solution. As I stated before, I have no reason to believe Blizzard will do this.

So then, what is the issue and how can you address something Blizzard won’t? Let’s first figure out why are people concerned about premades and starting 10vs40… because they can’t win, they don’t get much rep nor honor, right? If 10vs40 horde still allowed Alliance to win, then this is not an issue. So if the problem is that people have a hard time winning, then one of the solutions is to give them the ability to potentially win, isn’t it? Therefore, a solution to increasing the odds of winning, is to join a premade.

You don’t have to like this solution, but it is a solution nonetheless, and many partake. Feel free to call them names and such, but I kinda think they don’t care what you think of them.

And yet, you ignored everything when I called you out on joining premades, and supporting sniping, which again… is nothing more than joining a premade through a different process and reaping the rewards.

I’m still waiting for your excuse…

Bask in all the likes you want. I’m not here to stroke a social ego. I’m just here to point out fallacies of your kind. So when the same group of people, with no understanding of premades, and yet want to reap the rewards of one, like your posts… it just shows me how many hypocrites there truly are =)

That may be one reason why people are upset but I would not want to see the gates open and the other team down by 25 players. Sure it may be fun to get a little payback for all of the grief but that would get old real fast. The reason why I do not like this is I want a even fight…40-40 like intended. Is that asking too much? Unless you’re here to grind rep for #nofun most people come to BGs looking for a even fight. It’s really that simple.

You are correct. Sniping is joining. The difference here is that we are sharing knowledge others have uncovered and a 51 has as much chance as a 60/100 to snipe any given BG. This is the difference. It gives the LITTLE GUYS the ability to find themselves in a premade using the very same game mechanics. I see this is a far more democratic solution. Also sniping is just that- it’s not a guarantee to get into a premade but it may make life easier for all the “peons.”

Talk about opinion and conjecture. Usually comments that make more sense get more likes. Pretty simple concept if you ask me.

You’re ignoring the point. Look at the people who are complaining… the issue is starting with 10vs40 is simply for the fact that it decreases their chances of winning. Your personal reason doesn’t speak for everyone, and is therefore, your opinion.

This is a simple concept. Will Blizzard do anything about this? Yes or no? It’s your right to complain till you’re blue in the face to try and change Blizzard’s stance on it. Keep at it, but at least try to stick with facts and move away from the BS. As someone with a neutral stance, I do not encourage, or discourage you from doing so.

However, for those who are upset that they’re losing… look at their behavior. There are those who hate losing, but then are happy they joined premade games (accidentally or intentionally), and actually won. To those people, I let them know there is the option of joining premades themselves, hence a solution.

So if Blizzard does something, great. If not, there are other options. You not liking those options doesn’t take away from people who seek them. But, an elitist would go out of their way to prevent others from partaking in those options…

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Talk about opinion…

Ah, and here you are, justifying YOUR actions to support Premades. There is no Sniping, if Premades didn’t exist, you know this right? So someone had to start the premade for you to snipe and validate your personal excuse/reason for joining them and reaping the rewards of one. If you support Sniping, you support the premades. There is no if, then or buts about this. This is comical…

Also sniping is just that- it’s not a guarantee to get into a premade but it may make life easier for all the “peons.”

So your justification here is there’s no guarantee? Do you know that premades aren’t always gauranteed wins either? As it’s been stated, premades are no different than a group of PUGS getting together in random groups, with a method to communicate and hopefully complete a group goal. As such, not all premades are created equal, and not all premades win. There’s still the issue of bad communication, bad coordination, and bad or no leadership.

But tell you what. I’ll do nothing but snipe for the rest of the day, since it seemingly the acceptable way to get into a premade. Do I get a cookie?

Let’s go back to the original premise instead of these new red herrings you keep lobbing out.

Here are the FACTS that we agreed on:

  1. AV premades are harming the majority of Alliance players that play in AV.

  2. You have admitted that you partake in these premades knowing full well of their negative qualities and the harm they bring to others.

  3. By definition if you partake in something you condone that behavior and ALL OF THE CONSEQUENCES it brings. You tried to justify it once last night by saying there is no malice or spite in the decision making. That’s a way to wash your hands from the deed you did. It’s a rationalization by DEFINITION.

These are all facts be it by definition or not.

The opinion is the part where I think this is detestable. As I have said you are more than free to disagree because that is a relative idea.

Offering solutions and letting people decide (their opinion) on what they want to do with that knowledge. The fact is, there are multiple solutions for the underlying problem of people not winning, if Blizzard doesn’t offer one themselves. It is the people’s opinion to decide their best course of action. Your point?

The problem is that you are acting like some neutral arbiter when your position is well defined and clear. I am not against knowledge being presented. I just have a problem when somebody claims to be neutral in a argument and obviously isn’t.