AV PreMade Sniping

It means EXACTLY what I KNOW it does friend.

You may want to look in the mirror some time.

My first assessment of you was quite correct. Thanks for educating us dolts with your deep and wide wisdom oh wise one.

You are one huge hypocrite buddy.

By your own admission you are adding to the problem even though it sucks.
But because of your limited time you are using premades as a means to rank up.

I said I was opened to alternatives, yet you offered none. I’m still waiting. Great to take the high horse mentality, but have no solutions, isn’t it, keyboard warrior? At least I attempt to help those who are interested.

Yes you know pugs get empty games and you try to get them to join you rather than have the same issue.

I know pugs can get empty games, yet I still join them. You seem to have missed that point. I don’t try to get anyone to do anything. I relay information as is available, and for those who ask/are interested. You’re so desperate to smear me, you’re kinda making things up, aren’t ya?

Opinion: Your actions are disgusting.

Am I suppose to cry in a corner now?

It means EXACTLY what I KNOW it does friend.
You may want to look in the mirror some time.

Except what you stated about my character is an opinion, not a fact. I’ve explained how I attempted to help others, but that isn’t a good enough for you so you made your own conclusions. The fact is, there were those who were grateful for the info. So… you hate me, they like me. That’s the very premise of an opinion.

You’re welcome.

I said you could pug with this the rest of us and be equal.
You choose to ignore that.

So you encourage people to grief like you

You’ve admitted to all your actions i don’t need to smear you.

You were saying my facts in quoting you were opinions, when they were not. So i gave you an opinon


Someone needs to make a video or some popular streamer needs to talk about this and get the word out because this is toxic as hell. I can’t even imagine being alli and having to deal with this. This needs to be talked about and everyone needs to know about it.

I do, at least half the time. Sorry that’s not good enough for you. Not really here to appease you, though.

So you encourage people to grief like you

I’m impartial. I don’t encourage anyone to do anything in this regard. I give information to those who seek it, and present factual information, as I’m aware, to those who have a misunderstanding. You seem very bent on putting words into my mouth.

You’ve admitted to all your actions i don’t need to smear you.

It’s odd that you feel the need to make up additional BS to my words then. I mean, whatever makes you feel better about yourself, I suppose. You do you.

You’re correct! I probably would never take a warrior in greens to AQ in my pre-made AQ group. Buttttt my AQ premade doesn’t go 3,2,1 queue!

So not similar at all. There’s no chance to random in a pug amirte?

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I had two high ranked toons when i played Vanilla. One after another ofc but they were both alliance to boot! Av was won by alliance the majority of the time…in a pug…with no comms…taking bunkers and playing the game as intended. Only premades i was ever apart of were wsg and ab’s.

The crying about how ally have ONE advantage and that’s a premade is just comical.

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I’ll also add that if you’re queued for a fresh (just popped) instance and suddenly one appears below it in the list (you should be spam right clicking on the battlemaster), immediately drop teh queue you’re in and manually queue for the next one – they dumped the one you have and spawned a new one.

I prefer a different saying "it’s not what you know; it’s who you know’.

You don’t have to be GOOD to win in a premade. In fact, you have to be bad to lose.

You do have to be good to win in a pug.

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Another horde butting in.
What exploit?

You were minority. I did lots of premading with add-ons back then.

Yeah I suppose you came up with the 7min drek rush too right :joy:

This is debatable. There were addons that were basically bots back then. Heal bot and decursive specifically.
The old macro system allowed a lot more lazy 1 button macros too. We even lost the focus function. Which was in Vanilla.
So while addon development techniques have advanced. We’ve lost functionality too.
So what addons do we now have that we didn’t back then?
There were also addons back then that were not as widely used or known. Hell some people didn’t even know how to install addons or couldn’t be bothered. Machine performance and connection issues also affected this.
Addons are more widely used today because curse made it an even easier process than copy/paste a file. I can’t even think of one that wasn’t either available back then or another existed with the same type of functionality.

Yet the tech was there. The Nostromo speedpad comes to mind. So does the Logitech gaming keyboard. Not new tech. Maybe more wide spread use but it was available back then.

Well ofc not. It was new and unknown. This genie was never going back in the bottle without completely changing the game. This is no surprise.
Content creation was still pretty much in it’s infancy as well. People barely had an idea about the advertising power of the internet. Yet what happened?
We seen thottbot pop up. Elitist jerks. The begining of what we have today. Datamined content guides before the game even releases. Who did that? We did. The analysts looked. Seen where the money could be made and we did the rest by setting and following the trend. The meta.
It’s not as different as we think it is. What we see today. Has it’s roots in Vanilla.
This is…well. 15 years of “progress”.
No matter what happens. We will meta it.

Look to the progression of this playerbase for raiding in particular. In a nutshell.
The first people who walked into MC did so completely blind. Probably took the first 40 warm bodies available.
Went in. Ran into issues. Adjusted some things. Came back. Found some stuff worked. Found some stuff didnt. Made adjustments.
Continued this trial and error process until the results were favorable. Now this is when no one had done it. So “trade” secrets were guarded because it started to become a race.
Now those trade secrets slowly started spreading through the playerbase until the content was on farm and those closely guarded trade secrets became common knowledge. 15 years later? Yea. It’s now at our fingertips. It’s a solved puzzle.
You can’t get the feeling of your first kiss back. It’s a feeling and moment in time that will never happen again. Sometimes you get close depending on circumstances but not the same thing. You’re already experienced.
Look at this premade mess. A new “sniping premade spots” meta is forming. Why? Players. Player’s do this. The devs, suits, and money grubbers just follow the analytics of player behavior.

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omg this is priceless… thanks OP.

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Either way, the point is it was feasible to win without a pre-made or comms.

I used vent and team speak for wsg and ab’s but never for AV.

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I assume you’re looking only for that exact vanilla experience then?

You’re so ignorant, I never mentioned that or did I imply that. I’m just stating facts.

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You create this group by using tools external to the game itself - Discord. Without such external tool you would have no way to coordinate the simultaneous queueing of people across multiple realms. Without Discord or something similar you would have no way to coordinate queue skipping, a process that is necessary to maximize the number of players getting into the same AV game.

Using tools external to WoW to gain advantage is an exploit, no matter who does it. It carries the same stink as using real currency to buy gold from a third party, or a leveling service.

*** if you can assemble 40 people on your realm to use in-game texting or voice to simultaneously queue, some of you will get into the same AV and you will achieve a partial premade. Personally, I would have no issue with this. ***