AV PreMade Sniping

people are queing as a group. since theres an in game fuction to que as a group for warsong gulch (and there used to be for AV before cross realm) it can only be seen that its no longer intended for AV by design.

your view could only be valid if there was no way to que as a group for warsong gulch as well.

If you want the be objective stick with facts like Alliance premades are affecting ALLIANCE PUGs adversely. We have all come to this conclusion. The real question is why are you still participating in something you know HARMS your very own faction?

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Perhaps you’re not. You’re resorting to word smithing to defend the indefensible.

This sums up the rebuttal quite well.

I’ve pointed out a valid rebuttal to this long ago, you’re just not reading the entire thread, and you clearly haven’t played vanilla wow or you would’ve known people group Q’d AV back in the day.

Blizzard knew people were group q’ing in vanilla, and did nothing to discourage it.

Case in point, as I’ve written many times, in various areas:

Back in the day, after a raid, groups would all Q up for AV in an attempt to join the same game. Used the same communication concept (ventrillo) to coordinate.

Usually the group is split into a couple of games, but there’s a good chance a good chunk of the group got in together somewhere. Those who didn’t would choose to select the AV# to try and join. Now, back then, games were long enough that when you wait long enough, you could eventually fill into the same AV#.

In the examples I explained about raids doing Qs, I’ll clarify that they don’t just all automatically grab any Q that pops up. What happens is they see the AV# that pops, then they broadcast their AV# either in Vent, or Guild Chat.

Then the same concept occurs. A tally of the game #s are done manually, and the raid/guild decides what’s worth taking. Anything that isn’t worth taking, is dropped… essentially this is known as “Q dodging” today. Those who dropped will try to manually Q into the AV# of choice, or try to start another Q and figure things out as it unfolds.

The point here is, anyone who was attempting to group into AV, does not take the Q right away. It’s discussed ahead of time what everyone has before committing on which game to take. Essentially, this is the exact process that is happening on the Premade Discord. In fact… the people who made the discord, pretty much based the concept on what happened in Vanilla.

They just made it more streamlined and automated with today’s available technologies. Which again, may be something Blizzard didn’t anticipate… or did they? Discord’s functionality isn’t new.

So, working as intended? Debatable. Not so black or white.

Join as group is greyed out, you are circumventing the queue, creating blank games for you to join.

read the one above yours

There is no rebuttal to that, you are gaming the system in your favor, If that’s not exploiting a system, I don’t know what else is.

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Earlier he was claiming that he wasn’t defending BGs but merely trying to educate the rest of us dolts. Now he’s using every argument and gymnastics to justify and rationalize why premades are OK.

Hell he quit addressing the point of why he participates knowing full well this harms the majority of Alliance players and by extension, the game. It’s a great way to make sure less Alliance players will ever want to PvP.

Your decision not to read, is not my problem. Blizzard added AV#s, which gives you the choice to choose the specific AV game you want to try and join. This allows for some form of group creation. You first need to identify Blizzard’s intent for the ability to join the game of your choosing (or attempt to). Until then, it’s speculation at best.

But again, fact. Grouping to some extent, in AV was not new. Blizzard did not discourage this or consider it an exploit. So again, not so conclusive.

I am stating the facts of the matter. Do you understand how to be impartial? I sense that you don’t quite understand that term.

Fact. This was done in Vanilla. Granted, not to this degree. So that is the variable. does the increased frequency in which this is done, warrant a new definition of what is accepted or intended?

Fact. Grouping in some form in Vanilla AVs were not discouraged nor classified as an exploit. Again, the variable here is the frequency. Can you convince Blizzard otherwise?

These are all basic logical explanations of the facts. It’s not conclusive. Your opinions are just that… opinions. Please try to distinguish the two.

Your decision to completely ignore why the in-game button to join as a party is greyed out, does not mean you try and exploit the system so you can join as said group.

Also Group #'s were removed in the future, trying to prevent EXACTLY what you are doing now.

The fact that we agreed upon was that premades that YOU are defending are adversely affecting the majority of Alliance players who all PUG.

My question to you is why do you knowingly participate in a activity that is harmful to others? You state there is no malice but that fact that you do so is malicious. Not giving a damn is malice.

So you punch them in the nose then offer them a tissue? how nice.

So you helped more people to behave like you? Well done.

Are pugs not equal?

Or you could do the right thing not partake and tell others to not do so.
But you take the easy road then try to justify your griefing.

All your posts show is your quest for rank is greater than your morales.

Please cite the patch note that specifies when the AV#s were removed. I do not see that in any of the AV Patch history.

But I can tell you that patch 2.4.0 the patch notes state:
“Join as Party returns to Alterac Valley.”

Although it’s interesting because this wording suggests “Join as Party” was present before this patch, but I don’t see the details of when it was removed.

Regardless, what’s this about no intention to join as a group in some fashion?

It’s clear you have your own opinions. That’s fine, I’m not hear to change your mind on opinions. I’m here to state facts, which you’ve moved on to ignore and are back in an attempt to insult my character. I’m too lazy to find an eye rolling gif. Just use your imagination.

Seriously man. You’re the one who has been lobbing out red herrings and strawmen not me.

By your own admission you are adding to the problem even though it sucks.
But because of your limited time you are using premades as a means to rank up.

Yes you know pugs get empty games and you try to get them to join you rather than have the same issue.


Opinion: Your actions are disgusting.

He’s trying to have it both ways.

I’ve explained my stance on the matter and how I disperse information to others to join if they want to. Your inability to be objective about it and your opinion about my character is irrelevant to the facts of how the current definition of exploitation is debatable at best, and there is no indication Blizzard is going to to do much about it.

So, you can either cry about it, or do something about it. Doesn’t matter to me.

that fact that you do so is malicious.

There you go using that word again… I don’t think it means what you think it means.