AV PreMade Sniping

Cheating: act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.

Using an unintended byproduct of current population to break an in-game system that has no default mechanism for group queues, whereas other BG’s do have this mechanism, for your own advantage while simultaneously diminishing the experience of all of players involved.

your analogy is like the reequirement to join your football team is too use steroids.

the issue isnt the requirement of the fast mount, its that your required to use an exploit which hurts others.

its not comparable to requirements to raid, because your not breaking any rule, or hurting others by raiding. so the requirements arent even comparable.

What are you talking about? Premades? Those arent cheating LOL. Both sides can use them, its why the BGs are numbered in the first place.

There was no basis for this conclusion. My point was that I’ve experienced ALL the imbalances that happened on all sides, in the era that was Vanilla. I was not always on the positive end. In fact, I often received the short end of the stick trying to play as a Ret Pally. My choice to stick with it, so not blaming anyone or anything. But the thing is, just about every complaint that is made here, has been made 12-15 years ago.

Horde QQ, check
Alliance QQ, check
Alliance always loses AV, check.
Premades not fair, check.
AVs started with 10 players, Check.

Heard it all, nothing new. The only difference really is the frequency in which this is happening today, and yes, it sucks. So again, I point out… If your issue is intent of group Q’ing, I’ve made the point that some form of group q’ing has always been available. It was just not a consistent option.

I honestly don’t care what Blizzard does, whether it benefits me or not. I’m just pointing out the flaw in these arguments, on what people think Blizzard’s intentions are.

So you admit it sucks and yet you continue to do it.

But you do or else you wouldn’t be defending it or doing it.

If it is simply using the number, and both sides can do so, why are there no Horde premades?

Fair enough; you not making a big deal of it may be from your previous experience. My point was more based upon a lack of a catalyst for you to do so.

I agree, it wasn’t consistent and did not result in the massive frequency of empty games players are experiencing now.

No…Both sides cannot use them due to que length differences.

Try again.

No… that analogy is horrible. That analogy suggests that to join a group, you have to procure something that is illegal to access under specific conditions. Procuring a fast mount doesn’t fit any of that analogy. It’s more accurate to say that the requirement to join said football team would be to bring a specific, expensive set of cleats.

Now what that Football team might be doing is enticing key players from a pool of players, with wondrous advantages, and not leaving other teams with enough to play… creating unfair play conditions for the rest of the home team.

While I agree it highly inconveniences others and I don’t care one way or another what blizzard does, classifying this as an exploit is still highly suggestive. No one’s been able to conclusively define Blizzard’s AV intent as of 2020.

Explain precisely how have I defended it? Explaining the facts of the issue, or perceived issue, is impartial.

And yes I continue to do it because I want to rank, and I have limited time to do so, and this is the best option. If you offer me any other alternative, I’m more than willing to explore it.

And yes, if they removed premade abilities, I’m fine with that because it’ll put everyone on equal footing, with no distinct advantages to ranking. Then I can go back to solo q’ing.

By doing it? well shedding crocodile tears over those who from your own faction who get the other side of it.

So you do care, in your search for ingame currency you are prepared to cannibalize your own faction to do so.

Maybe you should play Horde seeing you’re all about equality.

Thats a player created problem.

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Horde are overpopulated. Thats a player made issue with a player made solution.

Yet this doesn’t answer why there are no Horde premades if they are capable of doing so.

Why don’t Horde premade AV?

Not only is Riven a queue dodger, but a question dodger too,


I still solo Q half the time, so I still have about equal time with the other half of my peers, knowing exactly what they go through. Before even touching premades, I’ve had over 1,000 Solo AVs under my belt. Go on…

So you do care, in your search for ingame currency you are prepared to cannibalize your own faction to do so.

You can try to insult me all you want, if you have no logical rebuttal. Doesn’t make much difference to me. But at the very least, I tell pugs (those who aren’t Aholes), how to sign up for premades so that all available resources to me, are also available to them. What they do with that information, is completely up to them.

Maybe you should play Horde seeing you’re all about equality.

I actually would if Pallies were there. But, this isn’t TBC.

Im a vanilla player so ive done the same.

It’s not a insult its a statement of fact, your actions grief your own faction, but because of your limited time to rank you dont care.

thats the analogy. to join the group you have to do the exploit in the first place. thats the point, and why your comparison to raiding isnt logical.

lets be honest, its the definition of an exploit. theres really no arguing that.

Yes, I agree it’s a fact that my actions don’t help those who suffer from it. But that doesn’t mean I don’t care. If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t be offering puggers the same information I have regarding premades, and precisely how to join one. If I didn’t care, I would simply mind my own business and wouldn’t care to tell people how premades work, and keep an advantage over them.

I have no idea how many people I’ve influenced to join, but I’ve had people acknowledge they simply had no idea what to do, but wanted to join premades. So there they go.

Hence my point stands. Either Blizzard disables premade abilities, and we’re all on relatively equal footing; or Blizzard does nothing and I continue to spread the word to those who may be interested.

Perhaps you’re not being honest with yourself. You have to define the exploit as taking advantage of a bug, or something not intended to happen in the game.

Is anything a premade does, to form a premade, a bug? No.

Is making a premade against the intentions of AV? That is still the debate, with nothing specifically conclusive.

If you’re unwilling to look at this objectively, that’s not really my problem.