AV PreMade Sniping

The giveaway is you see them repeatedly and they don’t leave when you tell them to.

Vann is also solo pulled, you just don’t know how,

And I beg you to find a video of an alliance inside vanns room that can’t be pelted with frostbolts even when hugging the back wall.

Also there is a back door to alliance base, you just don’t know it (it was mentioned some 5 posts up)

after looking at your profile a bit this has to 100% be a troll. Your arguments are bad and you seem to have at least a moderate grasp of the English language. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you aren’t dumb, so it must be a troll. While I take issue with almost everything you say (being entitled to a spot in an AV match, blacklisting randos in a random bg, etc.) this comment that I’m replying to is without a doubt your worst argument.

You and I are playing monopoly. I start with 5 random properties of varying worth. You start with $10,000,000. I have 4 more individual advantages than you. You still win. It must be because I’m bad.

Also, gonna take one out of the forum booklet here. You want premade BG’s? That’s in retail. Go there.

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They’re in classic too. =]

Yes, it’s a relative term, but probably not something that needs to be thrown around so loosely without more evidence.

And let me ask you this about your guild. Will your guild be ok with a Tank in greens, going into AQ? Probably not, right? Why not? Obviously it would be very detrimental to the group’s goals for the best chance of success. Very similar principle to the one requirement to join a premade, which is a Fast Mount. If your guild has an issue with that, it’s kinda hypocritical, unless your guild is actually fine with a Green Tank in AQ40.

One thing I believe we can agree on however is that premades have made the overall experience for casual players a complete misery. You even admit that you joined premades for that reason. Trust me I’m not into cat herding but I’m also not going to go a route that leaves out more people than not. At least everyone has the same opportunity to snipe.

Yes, I do agree this is an overall issue, but I have no solution that will appease everyone. Every solution affects someone positively and someone negatively. All I’m trying do is provide people with factual information as I experience it.

so was shooting people on rooftops… oh wait people getting banned for that now my bad.

No OP is trying to fix AV to rid it of the a absolutely toxic premades that are ruining PVP for both factions you’re just too dense to realize that

It’s interesting how presumptive many of your posts are.

There is one highly effective solo pull for Vann, and two additional less effective methods.

If you are completely against the back wall, the wings on each side force range to step further into the room.

The backdoor is simi-effective, I’ve watched large quantities of players jump at the spot for 5 min+ then just give up because they don’t know the specific jump angle.


Here is a full statistical analysis of the BG win ratio by faction based upon the data released post-vanilla.

AV Win Rates
15% : 85%

8% : 92%

A lead vanilla game designer (Tom Chilton) indicated the same. This also aligns well with my vanilla experience as Alliance.

There are a plethora of addons today, there were not available, or not as advanced, as they were back in Vanilla. There are a lot more advanced macro-able devices available today, than back in Vanilla. There weren’t in-depth how-to’s upon the release of MC, Ony, BWL, etc.

As I said, content that was designed to be completed within weeks, are beaten in days, if not less. So where do you draw the line? Only when you don’t benefit from it?

So no “Public premade” ever skips queues or mass afk reports to get their “premade” in? Yup Yup pass to the left sir, you’ve had enough.

This is really a red herring since raiding is a completely different animal and I do not participate. I only raided during TBC and Wrath as favors to the guild because my end game was PvP be it BGs or arena. There was virtually nothing I wanted or needed out of any raid. That being said, I did see the elitism play out with all the Gear Score requirements and what not. Now the guild I’m currently in isn’t about raiding and why I am there. It is a casual guild and there are a lot of people who will be BGing once AB hits. That’s what I’m looking forward to at this point.

Now comparing a raid to a RANDOM BG are two completely separate things.

Also the Horde side have plenty of sub 60s and 60% mounts so the gear/requirement argument is weak. They have to deal with the same thing we do…sub 60s, 60% mounts, noobs. If they were rolling premades then your discussion has more merit.

When AB hits I will be doing premades with my guild and friends. I hope we run into many Horde premades too for some real PvP.

Very interesting tips. I have to wonder though… if you’re going through all this effort to snipe into premades, why not just join a premade?

Not sure what you’re smoking, or you clearly have reading comprehension issues…

Yes, public premades also dodge q’s. This is a problem for everyone. This is not in dispute.

No, public premades do not mass afk report to get their premade in. Out of at least 100 public premades I’ve been in, I’ve never seen anyone do that, nor have been told to do that. Only time we’ve been asked to report, are those who are clearly AFK, or fishing.

My reply to you was specific to the 3 points you made, which 2 were inaccurate. Don’t change the subject. The other one is an unfortunate circumstance of this process that causes an imbalanced game to start. Again, that issue isn’t in dispute, but it’s also not done out of spite or malice as some people seem to imply.

It’s probably more effort to do this than to join a r1 premade. Peeps on the forum are talking about how they keep getting into 10v40 matches and it sucks. This is an alternative for them to try and avoid that, nothing more.

It also means you don’t contribute to

There will always be a sample of players not in premades for whatever reasons. I have a friend in retail who has audio-impairments and can’t use discord, he gets excluded from raid groups at times due to it. There may be other personal reasons for it as well.

However, any forcing of queue’s by exploiting queue times will leave some people screwed; you can contribute to that or not, it’s on each person.

This is an option if you don’t want to contribute to it.

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I doubt that it is done out of malice or spite either but the end result is the same. Not caring that your actions cause harm can be argued as malice however. If you know that your actions are harming others and yet you continue what is to be made of that? In some sense it is worse than being malicious because it is a form of justification- Since I have no malicious intent what I’m doing is somehow not as egregious.

I’m making a moral argument here.


Way to go OP, literally sniping in holes in premade groups. I don’t play on classic but if I did (knowing this kind of drama was going on in terms of AV) then I’d happily execute your plans and enjoy the moment knowing I “stole” a spot.

It’s equivalent to someone saying “You can’t sit there”
“Is there a name on it?”
"No but - "
“Too bad”

This is a beautiful example of a false equivalency. I’m going to show my students in Logic and Mathematics course it. Thank you!


It’s the classic red herring.

Again, thanks for this.
This worked for me 4 times tonight.
Prior to tonight, I was about 10 days without a single PUG win. I made more honor in like 2.5 hours than I did in 2-3 days last week.


Well, what your intentions of raiding are irrelevant. I’m just pointing out what you said your guild found unreasonable in comparison. But I would argue that the premise is the same, when joining any private groups that have their own pre-requisites for the betterment of the team. Just because the results are random, doesn’t negate the fact that you’re joining a group with a specific purpose. Therefore it’s not unreasonable that said group defines some qualifications for that purpose. If you don’t like those requirements, you absolutely don’t have to join… but it’s also a bit pointless to make a big deal about it either (not saying you specifically, but others who have).

What mount speed the horde have are irrelevant. Again, we’re just talking about joining a group with a specific goal, and requirements for said goal. Take AV out, and substitute it with pretty much any event. The principle is the same.

Is it an advantage for one side right now? yes it is, that’s also not in dispute. But that is the curse of life, someone will always have an advantage over another, in some thing.

The huge Horde population had a distinct advantage in World PvP. We’ve seen plenty of QQs of that, haven’t we? Well, interestingly, that same advantage became their disadvantage for AV. It’s a player made issue, really. So how would you propose we solve one faction issue, and ignore another? Or how would you arbitrarily decide one’s a bigger issue than the other?