AV PreMade Sniping



This is some delicious qq! You even spiced it with p2 wpvp one of my favs!

:cup_with_straw: I drink it up :cup_with_straw: sluuuuurp


Post on your main.

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Bro you just got horde reeee’d.

You’re doing it wrong OP. You’re supposed to spam this topic on a bunch of your alts. This single mega thread discussion is not the forum meta!
You’re doing holy work here. Keep it up.

Every response in this thread are my alts o.0

Haha, thank you bud, just trying to help other players have as much information possible.

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There are other technologies available today, that weren’t back in the day, that gives people pretty good advantage, today. Updated and much more complex Add-ons. Data that wasn’t available in Vanilla, that is now, which allows for 4 week content to be done in a couple of days, etc. So if the issue is the game isn’t being played as intended, then where should the line be drawn? Is it only an issue if there’s a “faction” advantage? But let’s be honest now. If the Horde could’ve done this, they would’ve. The main noticeable issue is the Faction imbalance, which is a player made issue.

But yes, this is an issue regardless, and affects the Faction that is able to do this. But to be clear, it’s not done out of spite. It’s done out of availability, opportunity, and necessity. Any side would’ve taken advantage of this.

Don’t say we when you’re posting from a lvl 12 avatar, none of you have shown you’re not horde.

And to have “our” pugs win, you’d have to tell the horde not to adapt and realize the map is in their favor. Good luck with that.

Addons are within the scope of typical use. And multiple addons that aren’t in line with expected vanilla experience have been deprecated multiple times since Classic dropped.

Of course, and it would still be a selfish exploit that detracts from other player’s experience and should be patched.

The queue time is most definitely due to player participation in PvP by faction, abusing the queue system as a by product of said queue time is still an exploit.

Agreed, it is an issue. Either side would take it. Nevertheless, it is an exploit and those utilizing it are cheating - whatever their personal justification for doing so may be.

Total Sidenote but if the horde hasn’t figured out how to have premade like comms then they really are a lost cause

Why is it when you guys lose at anything you have to reach into the bag of excuses?

We lost! Its ok guys its not our fault it was 4v1!
We lost! Its ok guys its not our fault they used the backdoor!
We lost! Its ok guys its not our fault they have better racials!
We lost! Its ok guys its not our fault the map favors horde!
We lost! Its ok guys its not our fault we need a premade!
We lost! Its ok guys its not our fault horde like to turtle!

Strange how it was always considered in Ally’s favor throughout vanilla. My NE hunter main had an impeccable win loss ratio in AV.

I guess modern gamers just need handicaps to adapt and compete :man_shrugging:

There are discord in place for the random premades.

Do you ever queue dodge in your premade?

Show me how I can hide in vanns room without dying to range dps, show me how I can access my village and turn in npcs when the horde have aid station. I’m waiting.

That is some next level board warrioring! That one dude switches alts and his story so much. He doesn’t know if he’s alliance or horde. Lol
Hope you don’t get lost in your alts. :rofl:

Post on yours!

You seem to miss the point I made about “Public Premades”. Do you know what that is? Apparently not.

Public premades are premades made across all realms. Anyone, from any realm, can join the discord with just one qualification requirement, which anyone can accomplish. This is the majority of the premades. Like I said, if these issues are specific to realm premades, then it should be mentioned and not make a post that seems targeted to EVERY premade.

There’s also no way, that I’m aware of, to know whether someone is “sniping” your premade, or a Pug just happens to join from the Q. If there is a way, please tell me as I’m always open to learn more.

Against the wall? I do it daily when avoiding Ally coming in to try and wipe us.

Yeah, the NPCs are harder to reach for turn in’s in this case; they also can’t just be run straight past to zerg into a base with 0 NPCs inside of it.

Show me how I can pally bubble pull and jump off a waterfall. Show me how I can jump right over the wall of your base, and zerg into the main area without fighting NPCs or having archers lay into me from the halfway point on.

There are countless imbalances on both sides.

This thread has some fun facts. And Tom Chilton confirmed 70-80% Ally win rates in vanilla.

It seems you can’t overcome them without exploiting though, even though Ally did constantly throughout vanilla.

My main concern isn’t balance, however. It is a group of individuals that are hampering the experience of players on both factions for their own self interest.

Bro. We didn’t coordinate with smoke signals or the pony express back then. What is this advanced futuristic technology you speak of?
Let me guess. Cuz everyone can post gifs in discord? :rofl: