AV PreMade Sniping

It won’t be. You need to have a perfect AB to get more Honor than AV.

That’s only because you see what goes on on your Faction on your realm. Just because your premades take anyone and are nice to pugs who join doesnt mean everyone premade is.

I made a post on my realms redit regarding how to snipe for alliance players and the first reply was “That’s a great write up on how to get your entire guild blacklisted. 5/5. Well done.”

Just public anyone can join premade might be the majority but that does not mean that various premades across various realms are:

A: reporting pugs so they get kicked.
B: Not join games they can’t get players into so Alliance start 8vs 40.
C: Attempting to “Blacklist” players who attempt to snipe their premade.

Again your own reality is not everyones and to think so is naive.

Yes i accept most premades are just publics joining on a discord to roll together.
But some are Hardcore and crap on their own faction more than the Horde.

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So…you refresh the queue list, looking for double-pops, and choose the lower of the two? But won’t the lower of the two already be entirely full? Is the idea that the premades will be forcing the pugs out of their full premade and you’ll get in eventually, in place of one of the premade’s members who didn’t get in?

If that’s the case, and pugs are waiting for premade AV’s to form, wouldn’t it just mean that premade AVs would have fewer pugs in them because pugs are waiting to queue?

Alliance won for the first week or so almost 100% of the time in sub-7 minutes before premades. And throughout vanilla AV was always Ally’s BG.

This is why I can’t wait for TBC to get released sooner than later.

This PvP system blows so bad.


And you believed him? There is nothing they can do to lock you out of anything except maybe ranks 11-14. Where they can just PVP more than you do to keep you out. It’s a pain in the bum for everyone when everyone starts to go over the honor caps that are set/agreed on.

It doesn’t affect me as im not Alliance.

I took it with a grain of salt, whether its true or not the threat of it might make some people stop sniping is all.

And some hardcore guilds on server im sure have a bit of power, We have one on my Realm they hardcore premade i.e all Engineers, they were colluding with Horde for Devilsaur leather.

Im sure if they wanted to get someone camped they could

Agree. I want arena.

Arena was fun but I think I will pass this time around. Too much stress for the 'ole ticker lol.

What you don’t want to chase the SL/SL lock and resto druid around a pole for 30 minutes?

I don’t blame you :rofl:

I hated nagrand arena. The graveyard map was my favorite followed by that bridge.

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Or running into Arms/Tree teams over and over and over. I used to be a Pally healer so I am good at pillar humping! :joy: :rofl:


I want to make my Skillherald again.

That arena was interesting in 5v5 match-ups IMHO.

Fear the Tree/Arms (former arms warrior who duo’d with a tree)

I was part of one of the teams you most likely wrecked. :joy:



Horde’s dedication to saving the toitles brings a tear to my eye.

What is a toitles?

Its working quite well