AV PreMade Sniping

Man thiis thread is just filled to the brim with the high and mighty premaders.

What a attitude… :face_vomiting:

Lol yep. They keep coming too.

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you just said you wanted things to go back to before premades, which is the time where horde dominates 90% of battlegrounds while the alliance runs around like headless chickens, THE ONLY logical reason for you to want that is if you’re horde and you’re sad that you don’t get 5900 honor games every single time.

and horde.

And they’re ruining the game for everyone in the process. I joined classic mostly for the pvp nostalgia and what Blizz and the community delivered is CRBG’s, 5:1 horde/ally ratio, and AV premades being the best way to rank instead of WSG/AB. So disgusted with the state of this game.

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You mean in AV? Because currently there is no “queue as group” button.

Imagine if the horde players just didn’t queue for AV. Alliance would have to go to WSG, and then we could have premade fights. We’d all rather do WSG anyway.

HAHAH it worked. Get the hell outta here that’s hilarious.


LOL who cares what faction I play.

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And even at minimum wage, it ain’t gonna be long before the time you put in is more than what it cost the people you’re trying to “block” to change servers.

I’m beginning to think its just the same 2 horde players posting on alts egging each side on.

Yes in AV, but as others have suggested, Blizzard could decide to remove the AV#s, and to be able to join specific AV#s, which would pretty much break the current way Premade AV groups are formed. I mean, doubt Blizzard would do this, as this was always the way AV was played back in the day, but just as an example.

I am sure there are plenty of premades that are not “elitist” which really is a relative term. If I have to have a epic mount that’s no big deal to me but virtually my entire guild would not see it that way.

One thing I believe we can agree on however is that premades have made the overall experience for casual players a complete misery. You even admit that you joined premades for that reason. Trust me I’m not into cat herding but I’m also not going to go a route that leaves out more people than not. At least everyone has the same opportunity to snipe.

They don’t actually want to pvp they just want the rank gear using the fastest method possible. I bet 80% of the AV premade rankers are pure trash and would get rolled by a real premade in WSG/AB.

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This is so far from what I said I’m curious if you’ve quoted the correct person.

You stated it is childish to participate but not want to be in the comms. I simply think it’s a joke if you read this topic with people stating how they are better than others, own battlegrounds, and demand others take deserter - then determined the childish ones are the people that simply don’t want to join the discord and just play the game as intended.

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Joining vent/teamspeak to cheese a premade was no where near as commonplace as discord and didn’t take wind until tbc. It becomes an issue when the entire faction is using it to circumvent the ingame system, and thats whats going on. Premades on ally side have ruined the queues for players on their own team (alliance as a whole) out of spite.

Actually the first two weeks we cleaned house on the Horde. We were kicking their butts with our PUGs. I would like to go back to when our PUGs were stomping theirs.

You are generalizing here. Not every alliance player is in a premade. I haven’t joined one yet. I’ve gotten lucky with my queues though and maybe only lost a handful of games, and maybe another handful have been ruined by having too few people.

I’m so hoping that AB will be different. We have a lot of people in my guild that are waiting for AB so we will have two or more premade teams I believe. Now I like a premade vs premade match-up in AB. That was some real fun!