AV PreMade Sniping

Which proves my point in your other post, that we shouldn’t be taking any of your posts seriously. Thanks.

Reported for exploiting the system, then. Enjoy your ban.


Does anyone actually believe what is being said here?

I have a bridge to sell you guys…

I’m not on the side that claims the BGs belong to them. Just look at the general sentiment and the number of LIKES comments get and it’s easy to see who’s twisting things like pretzels. You guys can keep rationalizing and justifying your premades but the reality is that it’s mainly a small clique of jerks that think they are somehow better than the rest of the player base.


Very possibly not; however, any premade queue dodging has ruined a game for all the players still in it on both factions.


Multiple different people in this thread and others have said the same.

This sums it up.

Would be funny if there was a av premade snipers discord


If you actually read my posts, no where do I go about rationalizing it. I’m telling people what a public premade is, and giving out accurate information while dispelling myths that I’m aware of. If you choose to believe whatever you want without any other evidence other than your personal experience, then there’s really no reasoning with people like you.

I really don’t care either way if Blizzard does anything against premades. I’m not for it nor against it. The fact is, there’s a tool that people are using, and it’s advantageous to do so. You can either cry about it, or join it.

I’ve been in over 1,000 AV solo. Always planned to do solo until it was evident that 1) Pugs just simply don’t function in any unifying manner. 2) the games were definitely more unbalanced as more premades were being done.

So, you either join it for any chance of possibly winning/ranking. Or you don’t and deal with it until Blizzard decides to do anything. And if you knew anything about Blizzard, as I have since Vanilla WoW, this was not something they would address in any timely fashion. So… again, do you wait around and cry about it? Or do you do something about it?

If Blizzard came and disabled any way of making premades now, then ok. I’m not gonna cry about it. That is the difference between me and you. I’m impartial and giving you factual data. You’re biased and won’t accept any thing as truth unless it fits your agenda.


At this point I would also venture to guess that the majority of alliance players that are actively PVPing/ranking are in the discords already.

Attempting this right now, wish me luck boys.


If you can’t beat em join them. It’s easy to be emotionally impartial to a situation when you’re the one abusing it and benefiting.

really, when the reason for you not to join the discord is so that you can tell your own ego that “at least you’re not one of the premaders” then yeah, you’ve lost all reasoning, you want to be in the AV, you want to follow the strat, follow the calls, but you don’t want your freaking name to show up on their freaking discord, you want to stay the shiny star that you are and complain the premades are ruining it for you while you stubbornly refuse to join everyone else for no reason other then to show your wound.

I’m not denying this premade process ruins it for others. I’m simply pointing out that a good chunk of this information is inaccurate, or doesn’t apply to the majority of premades. Like suggesting that all premades are hating on specific groups of people. No, the public premade discord is open to anyone who can follow basic rules, like being courteous to each other.

We don’t lose. The only premades who lose regularly are the public premades.

Sniping is one way to disrupt premades so that PUGs get back to where they were. The first two weeks I ran PUGs we were rolling and winning big. Then the Horde adjusted and we didn’t. Sniping is a third option of taking action OURSELVES. Maybe it works and the PUGs improve or maybe not. I do see less coordination and team play in general on Alliance side compared to the Horde side. I have my epic mount and will get my rank whether I PUG or not. And yes these “premades” are not the same as the traditional server/guild premades but they end up operating the same for all intents and purposes. The bottom line is that premades are killing PUGs and by extension, the casual player base who may be turned off to PvP and more importantly, the game as a whole. You even admit that you went to premades because the PUGs were being weakened. I choose to NOT be part of the problem and have the right to complain and partake in activities like sniping. It’s one of the ways the “little people” can fight back against the fully funded elites.


Found your problem right here. There are no casuals ranking to 11+.Hell most probably gave up within the first couple of weeks that ppl pushed 1million + honor with pugs.

you’ve just proven you’re not alliance. Alliance never had the upper hand in any battleground, AV is heavily biased towards horde and so are their racials. Post on your main, or gtfo.

I do not post on my main because we know what that some are compiling blacklists so they can mass report them when they pop in the same BG. Not falling for that one. Move along you little POS.

Yes, you have the right to complain however you want. But there’s a difference to just ranting like a child, versus actually educating yourself on what goes on to have a better understanding of the situation. That was my point. A good chunk of this information is inaccurate and is not in the spirit of Public premades, which some of you paint as horrible elitists. If that’s your only view, then again, you don’t have a clue.

But, you can educate yourself by joining the channels and actually see how it’s done. Don’t participate if you don’t want to, but educate yourself and actually complain about something that is true.

I’m as “little people” as they come. I play a Ret Paladin… do you know how many Raid groups accept Ret Paladins seriously? Exactly. So I do everything Solo in this game, and relying on no specific elitist group to tell me how to play. These public premade groups are nothing of that sort.

Granted there are occasions where we don’t have enough healers and it would be best for the group if I take the Healing/Off Healing role, and that’s perfectly fine by me… cuz it’s a team effort. But if they came and said I must be Holy to join, then F’ that.