AV PreMade Sniping

“just get all the lts/commanders before they beat us”

/shudders they belong on the alliance.

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This method WORKS! I’m in a sniped AV right now.

6 minute win I barely had time make this post before we won.


ofcourse a horde with a guild name < I ride alone > would say that, jeez.

Do you hear that? i hear the reeeing of a premade in the distance

I mean, if you’re going to not talk, yet follow the strat and play the game, why not just join the damned discord, you guys are acting like 12 year olds

Even if you did have two accounts back then. There’s about zero chance you had two high ranked characters. Ranking now is a joke compared to back then. I beg to differ, but spamming 7 min AV runs it’s not pvp. Your pre made ranks are a joke.

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Integrity and self respect?

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Wait, say that again? BELONG to them??


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Lmao, if you read the responses of the premader’s here and the rest and come to this conclusion, that’s honestly comical.

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Some of this is very inaccurate information, as far as the public premade discord is concerned.

"Because premades have plans to hold rank 12-14 ransom. You must pay to rank later on. I will add ways to help you snipe premades especially GuildNameHere.

No idea what this ransom is. Never heard of it on my server. You can’t stop someone from ranking. If someone decides to spend a week off work and do 20hr AVs a day in the public premade channel, no one can stop them.

  • Learn who the leaders of the premades are. Go to Darnassus where they queue from and mark them(Look for a crown in the portrait) with symbols to help track when they enter games. They generally won’t enter games their leader doesn’t get into.

Public Premades have no specific leader that we’re waiting on Q’s for.

  • DO NOT JOIN UNTIL THE LAST MOMENT. Premades know people are sniping and wait until the last 5-10 seconds to join the game. So if you think you have their premade through spam joining/dropping and getting a fresh double pop wait and spam /who Darnassus or GuildNameHere leaders.

That’s not why premades join nearly last minute. It happens because people are waiting to see if the “Random” group has enough people, or a good enough composition to enter. It’s waiting to see who else can make it. We don’t give a crap if a pug makes it in…

  • DO NOT SPEAK IN THEIR GAMES. They will mass report and get you muted.

Premades use discord… so unless you’re in their specific channel, how exactly were you planning to speak to their group?

they are making blacklists of players who snipe constantly.

I know no one that does this.

So unless this is specific to Realm made premades, none of this applies to public premades groups.

So you mean let people finish the quest objective, capture different graveyards and towers for the honor gain and fight the enemy players? Or zerg to the boss exploit pathing and end the game without even seeing Horde?

Show me where in game the text is that declares ownership of the AV to any specific party. I will be waiting for your bs excuse of an answer.

Whatever you say Premader. :roll_eyes:

Guys, watch out. Reddit is here.


The guy in this thread has stated multiple times it is happening, supposedly.

In text so they can’t RCR you and exploit the mute system. There are multiple threads atm in this forum about this happening. Bruce confirmed.

Based upon the responses of other premader’s here, the caring of PUGs getting in is real. However, I agree, it is mostly to get the group together.

The OP was about specific groups. These groups have leaders; this post has been made forum friendly.

The ranks are relative to HpH, the top rankers can maintain the brackets well. The guild referenced by OP supposedly does this to some degree.

Perhaps your PM doesn’t do this; not all do most likely. All of them do contribute to a deteriorated experience for anyone not involved however.

Justify as you will, you cheat out of selfishness.

Your bias is clear, and your lack of knowledge of premades is also very clear. If you actually took a moment and join a premade discord, even just for education purposes, you’ll find that everything I said is true. Your inability, or unwillingness to confirm this, isn’t my problem.

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Let’s keep sniping PUGers!!!


So because your premade acts a certain way you mean every other premade does the same?

Stop being so naive.

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Blah blah blah blah.

Fair enough, but this is then relative to Realm specific premades, which doesn’t really make up the bulk of premades. The bulk of them come from the public premade discord, in which none of this applies.

So it’s kinda false to make this sound like every premade is made this way, with these specific intentions. Most premades are just people trying to get a random group together, with some means of communication, and try to win a few games and max HpH however possible.